Service Tree
You can edit the Service Tree in ALVAO Admin under Manage – Service Desk – Services which will display the Service Tree in the main window.
Receiving Requests by Email
If you want to load the content of a certain mailbox automatically to a certain Service Desk service, you need to set up the connection to this mailbox first. You can do this under ALVAO Admin – Manage – Service Desk – Services – Edit where you can set up your mailbox connection on the Loading messages tab.
When a new request is received, the system will usually send an autoreply to the requester, saying approximately:
"Hello, Your request has been saved under the number T47542ALVAO. ..."
The request number, in this case T47542ALVAO, is also given in the autoreply subject. If the requester replies to this message with another message, this new message will not be considered a new request; it will be handled as additional information and inserted into the log of the existing request T47542ALVAO.
The system scans the message subject for the identification of an existing request. The requests use the following format by default: T<number>ALVAO. You can change this request naming convention in the Service Desk service settings on the General tab. These settings need to be performed before you use the Service Desk for the first time for commercial purposes. Any settings changes will not affect identification tags of existing requests.
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