ALVAO Service Desk Console
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ALVAO Service Desk Console (hereinafter referred to as "Console") is a Windows application used by operators and solvers. Requesters have no access to the Console.
You can start the Console from the Start menu with ALVAO – Service Desk Console.
Note: If no database connection is defined with the Database variable in the config.ini file, the Database Manager window will open if you run the Console for the first time. In the Database Manager, click on the Add more button to set up the connection to an existing Service Desk database. Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server as the Service provider. Then click on the Open button to open the database. Next time you start the Console, the previously opened database will open automatically.
When you start the Console, the Console icon will be displayed in the Windows Taskbar; see image.  The requests table is displayed in the Console after launch. You can find the commands for work with requests in the ribbon individual tabs: Home, Edit, and View.
Tip: When working frequently you may appreciate the keyboard shortcuts for most used actions.
Close all application windows, or go to a window containing a list of requests (e.g. Requests, Log etc.) and select File – Exit Service Desk from the main menu.
Note: If a modal window is open above any of the windows containing a list of requests and this modal window is blocking exiting the Console, the Console will not exit and it will bring the modal window to the front.
Language Settings
You can select your preferred language for working in ALVAO applications under File – Settings on the Language tab.
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