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Identifiable components

The table displays identification components of a computer as they were detected and the corresponding objects found in the Asset Registry.
If an object matching a component in the detection found in the Objects tree of another computer, the record contains a warning icon. This indicates that the component has been moved to another computer and that this change has not yet been registered in the Registry.

  • Details – display the details about differences between detection and the computer selected in the list.
  • Move detection to machine – move detection to the computer selected in the table.

    Use this function especially when you rename a computer in your computer network and if you forget to register this action in the Registry. Since computers are detected based on the computer name in the network, the detection will match no computer in the Asset Registry. Move the detection to the matching computer and rename the computers in the Registry so that their names match the real status. To rename a computer, right-click on the computer in the Objects tree and select Rename computer from the context menu.
  • Settings – edit the settings for identifiable components for detection.
  • Detection assigned to computer– displays the computer to which the detection is assigned.
  • Details – display the details about differences between detection and the computer assigned in the Registry.
If you replace a computer component used for identification purposes, never forget to save this action to the Asset Registry. This will help you avoid possible problems with future detections.


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