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Machine identification

In this dialog box it is possible to set which components will the computers on the network be uniquely identified by their detection. It is possible to set which basic components of the computer are key ones for machine identification. If the AM founds discrepancy in the key component when comparing new detection with the registry, it stops the registry auto update – e.g. an exchange of the computer for a new one can be detected, etc. When comparing the detection wit the registry is also investigated whether the key components already exist in the registry of the other computer. If yes, the registry auto update according to the detection is stopped again.

In the options enable the components which are the key ones (you want to identifiy computers by them).


  • Computer – Network name (always) – the computer is always identified by the network name. This option cannot be disabled.
  • Computer – BIOS serial number – this attribute is usually detected only for brand computers (Dell, HP, ...), eventually for virtual computers.
  • Hard drive – Serial number, Name, Capacity – the key attribute for hard drives is the Serial number. Sometimes the serial number is not detected for the hard drive – in such case the system monitors whether the Name and Size attributes in the detection correspond with the ones in registry.
  • Network card – MAC address – nowadays, with portable and economical computers the network card is no longer a completely reliable key component. Portable computers can connect by multiple methods – e.g. via wire (LAN) and wireless (Wi-Fi) connection. Economical computers sometimes even disable unused network cards which cannot be detected afterwards.
    For the system is therefore sufficient when the MAC address of at least one network card in the detection corresponds with the one in registry.
  • Motherboard – Serial number, Manufacturer, Type – the key attribute for motherboards is the Serial number. The serial number id detected only for some of the motherboards – usually for brand computers (Dell, HP, ...). In case the serial number is not detected, the system monitors whether the Manufacturer and Type attributes in the detection correspond with the ones in registry.
  • Monitor – serial number – if the computer has an unchanging monitor connected, it can be used for machine identification.


HW changes monitoring

If we want the AM to detect e.g. exchange of the computer, it is convenient to set the machine identification by some of the key components. We recommend to set the identification by:

  • Computer – BIOS serial number
  • Hard drive – Serial number, Name, Capacity
  • Motherboard – Serial number, Manufacturer, Type

SW changes monitoring

If we are interested especially in software changes and we don't want to address potential hardware collisions, it is possible to completely disable the identification by all the computer components. Identification will be then performed only by the network name, but the system won't care which hardware is there in the network under the given name.

If you replace a computer component used for identification purposes, never forget to save this action to the Asset Registry. This will help you avoid possible problems with future detections.


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