ALVAO AD Account Creator
Module supports the beginning of new employment process. It allows to create new user in the Active Directory based on a request in the ALVAO Service Desk.
Computer Requirements
- ALVAO Service Desk
- Active Directory (Windows Server 2003 or Later Version)
Unzip the package on the server into C:\Program Files (x86)\ALVAO\Admin folder (into C:\Program Files\ALVAO\Admin folder on 32-bit systems).
Settings Procedure when Used without Cooperation of the ALVAO Employee Management Module
- Create a supporting service in the ALVAO Service Desk, e.g. "IT/Active Directory/Creating User Account".
- Set permissions to use SLA for people who can request an account creation.
- Set the operator and solver permission to employee who will manually create the accounts which could not be created automatically.
- Create custom request items containing information needed for creation of the account in AD. Especially the items for user name and login.
For example, the items tHdTicketCust.UserFirstName, tHdTicketCust.UserLastName and tHdTicketCust.UserLogin.
- In the Admin tool create new process using Manage – Service Desk – Processes – New. Name the process for example "Accounts creation".
- Set the process procedure in the following way:
Status |
Description |
Instructions for solver |
Notes |
New |
Automatic account creation in progress |
Do not perform any action, the automatic account creation is in progress in AD. The request status will be automatically changed after the account is created. |
Manual Account Creation |
Could not create the account automatically. The account will be created manually. |
Could not create the account automatically. Check the data inserted and create the account manually. |
Resolved |
"Change automatically to Closed status" option is enabled. |
Closed |
Request is closed. |
- Add custom columns created in step 4 to the items of request on process. Set the items as required for the "New" status.
- Assign the process to the supporting service created in step 1.
- Using the job scheduling in Windows schedule the CreateADUsers application launch with suitable parameters. Select appropriate period of the task launch, e.g. 10 minutes. Launch the task under the user who has a permission to create accounts in AD. Example of parameter settings:
CreateADUsers /adpath "LDAP://ADServer/DC=acme,DC=com" /conn "Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=ALVAO;Integrated Security=True" /service "IT/Active Directory/Creating User Account" /beginstate New /endstate Resolved /failedstate "Manual Account Creation" /propmap "cn={UserLastName} {UserFirstName}" /propmap "givenName={UserFirstName}" /propmap "sn={UserLastName}" /propmap "sAMAccountName={UserLogin}" /propmap "password=starterpass" /loginmutations 5 See more in the CreateADUsers tool description.
Settings Procedure when Used with Cooperation of the ALVAO Employee Management Module
- First prepare the ALVAO Employee Management module for operation according to the manual.
- Prepare the module for operation according to the procedure described in previous chapter.
- Set permissions to use SLA on the supporting service at least in the manner it is set for the Employee Management module.
- Ensure filling up the custom items in the beginning of new employment form from the ALVAO Employee Management module.
- Ensure the beginning of new employment form creates also a request to the "IT/Active Directory/Creating User Account" supporting service.
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