ALVAO Call Center Connector
The module integrates the customer's telephone switchboard with the ALVAO Service Desk product. The system starts to record the request based on the incoming call, pre-fills the requester and finds his requests based on the phone number.
Computer Requirements
- ALVAO Service Desk
- Telephone switchboard application support allows to run any set application from the command line whenever there is an incoming call.
Module Installation and Activation
The module is a part of the ALVAO Service Desk installation. The module is needed to activate with the activation key which you can receive from your ALVAO system vendor. Activation key provides the system administrator in the ALVAO Admin application by the File – Activation command.
Set the telephone switchboard application to run the following command on the operators' computers whenever there is an incoming call:
%ProgramFiles%\ALVAO\Service Desk Console\ServiceDesk.exe /Caller <caller phone number>
That opens the New request window in the Service Desk Console application with a requester pre-filled based on the phone number whenever there is an incoming call. If the phone number is not listed for any user, only this number and the Guest requester is filled in the form.
Tip: The way of searching the requester based on the phone number provided by the switchboard can be edited using the custom saved procedure in the database. Select the following procedure in the database: CREATE PROCEDURE [<custom scheme>].[spPersonByPhoneNumber_Custom] @caller nvarchar(255) AS BEGIN ... END GO the procedure must return the requester id saved in the tPerson.iPersonId.
Tip: If you want the ALVAO Service Desk to react only on the calls incoming to selected phone numbers managed by the switchboard, add this parameter to the command line: /ServiceGroup <service group> where the "service group" is a phone number group identifier assigned by the switchboard. Save the list of service groups which the ALVAO Service Desk should react to, into the database using the following script: DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty='ServiceGroup' INSERT INTO tProperty (sProperty, sPropertyValue) VALUES ('ServiceGroup', N'group1;group2;...')
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