ALVAO Electronic Handover Forms
This module allows electronic signing of handover protocols in the ALVAO WebApp application without the need to print them in paper and archiving the signed documents or their subsequent scanning, respectively.
Computer requirements
- ALVAO Asset Management
- Microsoft Word 2007 or Later
Module Installation and Activation
The module is a part of ALVAO Asset Management product installation. The module is needed to activate with the activation key which you can receive from your ALVAO system vendor. Activation key provides the system administrator in the ALVAO Admin application by the File – Activation command.
Handover protocol issueIf you request signing the protocol, use the following procedure:
- In the objects tree select the object you have moved.
- Select Print command from the context menu.
- A list of print reports opens. Select any Internal handover protocol.
- Select the Signing Method on the form: Over Web.
- After clicking OK, the Recipient receives an e-mail with the link to ALVAO WebApp where he/she can view and sign the handover protocol.
- As the final step you can view the print report in MS Word.
Warning: To create the attachment in PDF format you need to have Microsoft Word 2007 or later installed on the computer.
Signing the protocol over webThe employee to whom the asset is transfered receives an e-mail with the message that an asset has been transfered to him/her and that his/her signature is required. In the e-mail text there is a link to the ALVAO WebApp page with the user's documents.
To sign the handover protocol:
- Go to My Documents page.
- Open the required document and check it.
- Click on the Sign in the document.
- Then you will be asked whether you accept the document content.
- Select I confirm which signs the handover protocol and records the date, person who signs it, and name of the computer from which the signing has been performed.
Messages SettingsIf you want to change the text of recipient e-mail, notification messages, sending time, period, etc., use the following procedure:
- Run the ALVAO Admin program.
- Go to the main menu and select Manage – Asset Management – Signing Documents over Web command.
- The Signing Documents over Web window displays, where you can edit the notification settings.
Signing CheckIf you want to check the document signing status, use the following procedure:
- In the AM Console select Tools – Lists – Documents from the main menu.
- View the Signing Method, Signed in, Signed by, and Signed from Computer column in the displayed list.
- Find (e.g. using the filter) the required document, its signing method is Over Web.
- The document is signed if the Signed in and Signed by column contains date and person who signed it. The Signed from Computer column then contains name of the computer from which the document has been signed.
Signing Method ChangeIf the protocol has been signed by another method (e.g. you printed the handover protocol ex post and the recipient signed it manually) and you want to change the signing method, use the following procedure:
- In the AM Console select Tools – Lists – Documents from the main menu.
- Select the required handover protocol in the list and select Edit.
- Set the Signing Method to the required value.
Setting the Workflow Text on the My Documents Page
You can change the workflow text on the My Documents page simply by using the SQL command on your ALVAO database. UPDATE tProperty SET sPropertyValue='workflow text link' WHERE sProperty='AM.MyDocumentsWorkflowText'
Tip: You can set the text also in the html format.
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