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Service Desk WebService API

This page describes the Service Desk web service interface and its methods.

List of methods

General methods:


Methods for sending request notifications:


Methods for sending automated notifications for unresolved/timed requests:



The Service Desk WebService does not provide a WSDL file by default, so the web browser does not display a complete list of all Web Service methods at the WS address. To enable the WSDL file, comment out the following section in the web.config file: <remove name="Documentation"/>. For security reasons, we recommend leaving WSDL disabled in a production environment.

Detailed description of methods

General methods

bool AddPersonToGroup(...)

Adds a user to a group.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int User ID (tPerson.iPersonId) Yes
roleId int Group ID (tRole.iRoleId) Yes

bool AssignTicketToSolver(...)

Assign the request to the solver.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the request service's resolution team can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes
newPersonId int Identification number of the person who is to become the new solver of the request. You cannot enter an empty value, so you cannot return to the main solver. Yes
personId int Identification number of the person who assign the request to the solver. If the operation is run from an external application, this parameter is ignored and the request is assigned under the user who is logged into the web service by default. Yes
message string Message for the request solver in plain text No
htmlMessage string Message for request solver in HTML format No
sendNotification bool Send notification to the solver when a request is assigned Yes
When the method is called, the following steps are performed:
  1. Change the request solver
    • Write to the request log
    • Solver change notification
    • Custom action
  2. If a state exists on the process with the "Automatically transition to this status when first passed to the solver" option enabled and the request originally met the conditions for automatic transition to this status (see the method GetTicketStateAfterAssignToSolver), the status of the request is changed (see SetTicketState).
If the request status cannot be changed (e.g. required fields are not filled in), the request status will not change, but the solver will.
The method does not check if the new solver can be the solver of the request.

This method generates events to the log in the service language. If no notification is set to be sent to the solver, the message for the solver is only written to the log.

GUID BeginUpload(...)

Start uploading the file to the server.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
filename string File path No
fileType string FileType None

void CancelUpload(...)

Cancel the upload of a file to the server and delete the temporary file.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
sessionId GUID The session identifier returned by the BeginUpload function. Yes

int CreateAct(...)

Creates a new entry in the request log.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int ID of the request for which the record is to be created. Yes
creatorId int ID of the person creating the record Yes
subject string Subject of record No
message string message No
htmlMessage string Message with HTML formatting No
senderName string SenderName No
fromEmail string Email sender - for emails only No
toEmails string Recipients of the message - only for emails No
ccEmails string Recipients of the message in the copy field - only for emails No
created datetime Creation date in UTC - for emails only Yes
actKindId int Type of log entry event, see tActKind. The process (9) and alert (11) event types cannot be used. Yes
showApplicant bool Show event to requester Yes

int CreateGroup(...)

Creates a new empty user group. The return value is the identification number (tRole.iRoleId) of the new group.

If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.

If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
name string Group name Yes
description string Group description No

int CreatePerson(...)

Creates a new user. The return value is the identification number (tPerson.iPersonId) of the new user.
If the operation is run within the custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
fullName string First and last name Yes
login string username No
email string E-mail No
phone string Phone to work No
personalNumber string Personal Number No

int CreateTicket(...)

Creates a new ticket. The return value is the number (ID) of the new request.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the solution team of at least one service can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
creatorId int ID of the person writing the request. If the operation is run from an external application, this parameter is ignored and the request is written under the user who is logged into the web service. Yes
requesterId int requester person ID Yes
requesterName string Requester's name No
requesterEmail string RequesterEmail No
serviceName string The full name of the service to which the request will be based. Yes
slaName string SLAName No
subject string Request name No
message string Request description No
htmlMessage string Request description with HTML formatting No
fromEmail string Email sender - for emails only No
toEmails string Recipients of the message - only for emails No
ccEmails string Recipients of the message in the copy field - only for emails No
messageCreated datetime Request creation date in UTC Yes
ticketCreated datetime Any date - parameter is not used. Requests are always created at the current time of the application server. Yes
actKindId int Type of the boot record event, see tActKind. The process (9) and alert (11) event types cannot be used. Yes
requestedForPersonId int? ID of the person for whom the request is being made. If the value is 0 or null, the value of the requester is supplied. None

int CreateTicketRelation(...)

Creates a link between requests. The return value is the number (ID) of the link between requests.
If the operation is run within an custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, the method can only be run by a user who is a member of the service resolution team for at least one of the beginTicketId and endTicketId requests and also has permission to read both requests.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
beginTicketId int Baseline request ID (in terms of link) Yes
endTicketId int End-Ticket ID (in terms of link) Yes
ticketRelationTypeId int Type of relationship:
1 - Related to
2 - Is subordinate to
3 - Follows
4 - Is blocked
5 - Duplicates
Alternatively, the ID of the custom link type.
personId int Identification number of the person adding the link. If 0 is specified, the action is performed by -system. If the operation is run from an external application, this parameter is ignored and the link is created by the user who is logged into the web service by default. No

void DeleteGroup(...)

Deletes the group permanently.

If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.

If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
roleId int Group ID (tRole.iRoleId).
System groups and those used in the approval-scheme settings, SLA-notice, SAM - alerting or web-based document signing, can't be removed.

void EndUpload(...)

End the upload of the file to the server and save it to the database to the corresponding record.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
sessionId GUID The session identifier returned by the BeginUpload function. Yes
partsCount int Total number of parts in the file Yes
actId int ID of the ServiceDesk log entry to which the file is to be attached as an attachment. Yes
contentId string ID of the attachment embedded directly in the body of the email message No

int FindPerson(...)

Returns the ID of the first person found (or 0 if no one was found) according to the given parameters. At least one of the parameters must be specified. Deleted users and users with the hide property in menus are excluded from the search.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
name string Person's first and last name Yes (if no e-mail is filled in)
email string Person's email Yes (if no name is filled in)

AzureApplicationOptions GetAzureApplicationOptions()

Returns the application configuration for Azure Active Directory authentication. If this authentication method is not enabled, the individual return value entries contain an empty string.

The AzureApplicationOptions return type contains the following entries:

  • string ApplicationId
  • string TenantId

GroupInfo[] GetGroupList()

Returns a list of groups of registered users.

If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.

If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

The GroupInfo return type contains the following items:

  • int Id
  • string Name
  • string Description

string[] GetHdSectionsList()

Returns a list of active (undeleted) services (and folders). The data is encoded in the list in ordered fives:
1. service ID
2. Service name
3. Location in the service tree
4. Service description - it is encoded as Uri.EscapeDataString
5. This is the [0|1] folder

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int Person Identification Number Yes

DateTime GetLastSectionChange()

Get the date and time of the last service modification.

string[] GetPersonCommunicationTickets(...)

Displays a list of requests whose logs the person last made changes to (Person's last communication).

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int Identification number of the user whose communication you want to view. Yes
ticketsCount int The number of requests (in which the user last communicated), that you want to display. Yes

int[] GetPersonGroupList(...)

Returns a list of group ids (tRole.iRoleId) of which the given personId is a member.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int Person ID (tPerson.iPersonId) Yes

object[][] GetPersonList(...)

Returns the information in the required columns columns about all persons matching the condition in the filterCondition parameter. The method does not return removed persons.
The first index in the return type specifies the record (person), the second index specifies the data column (the column index corresponds to the column order in the columns parameter).
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
columns string The names of the required columns separated by commas. All columns from the tPerson and tPersonCust, which can be read using the ReadColumn method.
Example:"iPersonId, sPersonLogin"
filterCondition string Where clause for SQL query.
Example: "sPersonEmail is not null and sPerson is not null"
sorting string Order by clause for Sql query.
Example: "withPerson ASC"

string GetServiceDeskPortalUrl()

Returns the URL of the Service Desk web application.

bool GetTicketByMessageTag(...)

Query for the existence of a request with the specified tag.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
text string Request label No

ActInfo[] GetTicketActList(...)

Returns a list of events from the ticketId request log.

The ActInfo return type contains the items:

  • string ActKind - event type
  • datetime Created - the date the event was created in UTC format
  • string Subject - the subject of the event
  • string PlainText - event content in plaintext
  • string HtmlText - event content in HTML text
  • string From - name and email of the event sender
  • string To - names and emails of event recipients separated by semicolon
  • string Cc - names and emails of recipients in the copy separated by semicolon
  • double WorkHours - reported work time in hours
  • double TravelHours - reported travel time in hours
  • double TravelKm - reported travel in kilometres

In the resulting field, the records are sorted chronologically (index 0 contains the oldest record).

If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a user who has permission to read the request can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId Int Request number (tHdTicket.iHdTicketId) Yes
displayMode Int Request log display mode.
  • 0 - Detailed log
  • 1 - Communication
localeId Int Call the method with a value of 0 in this parameter. This parameter is reserved for future use.
This method always returns values in Alvao system language.

object[][] GetTicketList(...)

Returns a two-dimensional array where the first dimension represents the individual requests and the second dimension represents the request columns defined by the columns parameter.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only requests that the user has read permissions will be displayed.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
columns string Names of the columns from the tHdTicket and tHdTicketCust tables whose values the method should return. Separate the names of each column with a comma.

In addition to the columns from the database tables, the following virtual columns representing foreign key values in the tHdTicket table are available:

  • SolverName - the name of the solver of the request
  • SolverEmail - email of the request solver
  • TicketPriority - request priority
  • SectionName - the name of the service in which the request is located
  • RoomName - room
  • SlaName - the name of the SLA
  • FirstActText - original request text
Example: "sHdTicket, SolverName"
filterCondition string Where clause for SQL query.
Example: "SolverName is not null"
sorting string Order by clause for Sql query.
Example:"dHdTicket ASC"
localeId int Call the method with a value of 0 in this parameter. This parameter is reserved for future use.
The method always returns values in Alvao system language.
maxRecords int Maximum number of records returned. We recommend limiting the number of returned records to a reasonable value based on application usage. Yes

int GetTicketStateAfterAssignToSolver(...)

Returns the ID of the new status if a status change is to occur after the request is passed. If not, it will return 0.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes

When the method is called, the following steps are performed:

  1. 1. Checking whether this is the first handoff to the solver and whether there is a status on the process with the "Automatically transition to this status" option enabled on the first handoff to the solver.
    • If yes, the ID of the new status is returned.
    • If no, returns 0.

string GetWebServiceVersion()

Returns the current version of the web service.

bool HasPersonSlaInSection(...)

Checks if the user has any SLAs in the service.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int Person Identification Number Yes
sectionId int Service Identification Number Yes

bool IsActivated(...)

Returns information about whether the specified module is activated.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
moduleId int Identification number of the module you want to authenticate. Yes

bool IsConnectedToDb(...)

Returns information about whether the web service is connected to the specified database.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
serverName string ServerName Yes
dbName string DatabaseName Yes

bool IsExistingTicket(...)

Query for the existence of a request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes

The method returns true if the ticketId request exists and the calling user has the right to read it. Otherwise, the method returns false.
When called within custom program extensions, the permissions of the calling user are not checked.

bool IsPersonMemberOfGroup(...)

Returns information whether the user is a member of a particular group. If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int User ID (tPerson.iPersonId) Yes
roleId int Group ID (tRole.iRoleId) Yes

void LogAuditRecord(...)

Logs the audit report.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
MessageType int The type of logged event. Allowed values:
1 - Create user
2 - Delete user
3 - Edit user properties
4 - User login
5 - Logging out a user
6 - Unsuccessful user login attempt
7 - Adding permissions to a service
8 - Change service permissions
9 - Removing service permissions
10 - Adding an SLA to a service
11 - Changing the SLA of a service
12 - Removing an SLA from a service
13 - Create a new permission in object security
14 - Modify an existing object security permission
15 - Delete an existing object security permission
16 - Change object security properties
17 - Create permission in object security
18 - Delete permission in object property security
19 - Adding a new member to a group
20 - Remove an existing member from a group
21 - Importing services from a file
22 - Create a new software license permission
23 - Edit an existing software license permission
24 - Delete an existing software license permission
25 - User submitted incorrect password when signing a document
26 - Create a new permission on a document folder
27 - Edit an existing permission on a document folder
28 - Delete an existing document folder permission
Properties NameValuePair[] List of name-value pairs. These are the items logged with the message Yes

WS always adds the pair to the end of the Properties list:
WS client address: <IP address>.

string ReadColumn(...)

Returns the value of a table column.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only the user who has the right to view the request can read the request data, only the user who has any role in the service can read the service data, and only a member of the "Administrators" system group can read the user or group data.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
recordId int Record ID of the record in the tables tHdTicket, tHdSection, tPerson or tRole. Yes
table string The name of the table from which to read the information. Supported values are: tHdTicket, tHdTicketCust, TicketForeignKeyInfo, tHdSection, tPerson, tPersonCust, tRole and PersonForeignKeyInfo. Yes
column string Name of the table column.
You can read values from all columns of the tHdTicket, tHdTicketCust, tPersonCust and tRole.
From the table tHdSection you can read the values of all columns except those related to the settings of the loaded mailboxes.
From the table tPerson can read the values of all columns except sPersonPswd, PersonPortrait, PersonPortraitHash, WebAppLoginGUID.

In the case of reading data from TicketForeignKeyInfo, it is possible to read the values of the following columns:

  • SolverName - name of the request solver
  • SolverEmail - email of the request solver
  • TicketPriority - request priority
  • SectionName - the name of the service in which the request is located
  • RoomName - room
  • SLAname - the name of the SLA
  • FirstActText - original request text
  • StateName - state name
In the case of reading data from PersonForeignKeyInfo, it is possible to read the values of the following columns:
  • AccountName - user's organization name
  • ManagerName - the name of the user's supervisor
  • DelegateName - user's delegate name
For more information about columns (including data types), see the Alvao database documentation.


bool RemovePersonFromGroup(...)

Removes a user from a specific group.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the "Administrators" system group can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
personId int User ID (tPerson.iPersonId) Yes
roleId int Group ID (tRole.iRoleId) Yes

void ResolveTicket(...)

Resolves the request. If the request cannot be resolved, the operation will exit with an exception.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will execute under the user "-system" without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, it is executed under a user that is logged into the web service by default. The method can only be run by a user who has the rights of the main solver or manager of the request service, or is the current solver of the request.

ParameterData type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes
message string Message to Requester No

void SendNews(...)

Sends the current message to the configured recipients.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
newsId int Identification number of the message to be sent. Yes
sendToRequesters bool Send message to requesters of assigned services Yes
sendToSectionTeam bool Send a message to the members of the solution team of the assigned services Yes
specificRecipients string Specific recipients of the message. If the message has no specific recipients, enter an empty string or null. Yes

void SetTicketState(...)

Changes the status of the request.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, only a member of the request service resolution team can run the method.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes
personId int Identification number of the person changing the request status. If 0 is specified, the action is performed by -system. If the operation is run from an external application, this parameter is ignored and the request status is changed under the user who is logged into the web service by default. No
newStateId int New request status ID Yes

When the method is called, the following steps are performed:

  1. Check the required items for the status.
    • Changing the request status
      • Resolve/close the request if necessary.
    • Request log entry
    • Custom action, if any
    • Possible initiation of approval
      • Request log entry
      • Notification to approver

This method generates log events in the service language.

void UploadDataPart(...)

Upload a part of the file to the server.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
sessionId GUID The session identifier returned by the BeginUpload function. Yes
partSequenceNumber int Part Sequence Number Yes
data byte[] Binary file data Yes
dataLen int Size of the read part of the file in bytes Yes

void WriteColumn(...)

Writes a value to a table column.
If the operation is run within custom program extensions, it will run without checking permissions.
If the operation is run from an external application, it is executed under a user who is logged into the web service by default. Only a user who is a member of the request service resolution team can execute the method over requests. Only a user who is a member of the system group "Administrators" can execute the method over users and groups.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
recordId int Record ID (tHdTicket or tPerson) Yes
table string Name of the table to write to. Supported values are: tHdTicket, tHdTicketCust, tPerson, tPersonCust tRole. Yes
column string Name of the table column.
Can write to all columns from the table tHdTicketCust and tPersonCust.

In the table tHdTicket you can write values to the following columns:

  • mHdTicketNotice
  • mHdTicketGroup
  • sHdTicketDeviceCode
  • sHdTicketUserPhone
  • mHdTicketUserContact
  • sHdTicketUserMobile
  • sHdTicketUserOffice
  • sHdTicketUserDepartment
  • sHdTicketUserWorkPosition
  • sHdTicketUserCompany

In the table tPerson you can write values to the following columns:

  • sPerson
  • sPersonLogin
  • sPersonAdGuid
  • sPersonEmail
  • sPersonPhone
  • sPersonMobile
  • sPersonOffice
  • sPersonDepartment
  • sPersonWorkPosition
  • bHidden
  • sPersonPswd
  • bPersonShared
  • bPersonAccountDisabled
  • mPersonContact
  • sPersonCalendarWebDAVUri
  • sPersonUrgentEmail
  • dPersonRemoved
  • sPersonCountry
  • withPersonCountryAbbr
  • iPersonCountryCode
  • sPersonCity
  • sPersonAdPath
  • dPersonAdCreated
  • sPersonSID
  • liPersonManagerPersonId
  • sPersonPersonalNumber
  • liPersonDelegatePersonId
  • OutOfOfficeSince
  • iPersonLocaleId
  • sPersonAdName
  • liAccountId
  • sFirstName
  • sLastName
  • sAdDisplayName
  • TimeZone
  • Email2
  • Phone2
  • OutOfOfficeUntil
  • ImportAdLastFound
  • SamAccountName

In the table tRole you can write values to the following columns:

  • sRole
  • sRoleAdGuid
  • dRoleCreated
  • sDesc
  • AdDistributionGroup
  • AdPath
  • DistributionEmail
  • LastImport
  • AdCreated

For more information about columns (including data types), see Alvao database documentation.

value string Value inserted into columnYes


void NotifyOnChildOrBlocksResolvedTicket(...)

Sends a notification to the solver (or the service master solvers if the request does not have an assigned solver) and also to the watchers of the parent/blocked request that the child/blocked request has been resolved. The tag and request name of the downstream/blocking request and information about the remaining number of downstream/blocking requests that are preventing the resolution of the upstream/blocking request are included in the message body.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
resolvedTicketId int Number of the resolved request. Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketAccepted(...)

Sends a notification informing that the request has been approved.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketApprovalItemId int The number of the approval step that was approved (tHdTicketApprovalItem.iHdTicketApprovalItemId). Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketApprovalCanceled(...)

Sends a notification informing that the request approval has been cancelled.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request number Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketApprovalItem(...)

Sends a notification telling the person to approve the request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketApprovalItemId int Approval step number (tHdTicketApprovalItem.iHdTicketApprovalItemId) Yes
personId int Person identifier (tPerson) Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketApprovalItemFinished(...)

Sends a notification to the approvers when the approval step is complete.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketApprovalItemId int Approval step number (tHdTicketApprovalItem.iHdTicketApprovalItemId) Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketCreated(...)

Sends a notification to the solvers (and possibly the requester) of the request, informing them that the request has been created.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int First request event Yes
notifyUser bool Send notification to requester Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketDeadlineChanged(...)

Sends a notification to the Requester of the request, informing them that the request has been set to / date has been set / changed / cancelled.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Date change event number Yes
oldDeadline datetime Original date of the request, if the date value is less than 1.1.0001, the original date was empty - so this is the setting of a new date. Yes
newDeadline datetime New request date, if the date value is less than 1.1.0001, the date will be cancelled. Yes
message string Message - reason for change of deadline No
htmlMessage string Message in HTML - reason for changing the term No

void NotifyOnHdTicketExpired(...)

Sends a notification informing that the request approval has expired.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request number Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketHdSectionChanged(...)

Sends the Requester to the request solver with information that the request has been moved to another service.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Move to another service event number Yes
oldHdSectionId int The identifier of the original service, the service must exist. Yes
newHdSectionId int New service identifier, the service must exist. Yes
message string Message to solvers No
htmlMessage string Message to solvers in HTML No

void NotifyOnHdTicketPassed(...)

Sends a notification informing that the request has been passed to (another) solver. The notification is sent to the original solver and the new solver.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Solver handover event number Yes
oldSolverPersonId int Person identifier of the original solver, if 0, the request had no solver. Yes
newSolverPersonId int New solver's person identifier, if 0, the request was returned to the master solver. Yes
message string Message to solvers No
htmlMessage string Message to solvers in HTML No

void NotifyOnHdTicketRejected(...)

Sends a notification informing that the request was rejected.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketApprovalItemId int The number of the approval step that was rejected (tHdTicketApprovalItem.iHdTicketApprovalItemId). Yes

void NotifyOnHdTicketResolved(...)

Sends a notification to the Requester of the request, informing them that the request has been resolved.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int The number of the event that resolved the request. Yes
message string Message to requester No
htmlMessage string Message to requester in HTML No

void NotifyOnHdTicketSolverOpen(...)

Sends a notification to the Requester of the request, informing them that the solver has reopened the request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Request open event number Yes
message string Message - reason for opening the request No
htmlMessage string Message in HTML - reason for opening the request No

void NotifyOnHdTicketUserOpen(...)

Sends a notification to the solver of the request informing them that the requester has reopened the request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Request open event number Yes
message string Message - reason for opening the request No
htmlMessage string Message in HTML - reason for opening the request No
sendToSubscribers bool Send message to request subscribers No

void NotifyOnMessageSent(...)

Sends a notification to the solvers/subscribers informing them that a new message has been received for the request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Message event ID Yes
sendNewMessageNotification int The value determines to whom the message is sent:
-1 - the notification is sent only to the Requester.
-2 - forces the notification to be sent to the solvers (main solvers).
-0 - standard notification of a new report is sent.

void NotifyOnReplyReceived(...)

Sends a notification to the user when a response is received to a message the user previously sent from SD.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
originalActId int Original message sent from SD (tAct.iActId) Yes
replyActId int Reply to the original message (tAct.iActId) Yes

void NotifySubscribersOnHdTicketDeadlineChanged(...)

Sends a notification to subscribers informing them that a deadline has been set/changed/cancelled on a request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Date change event number Yes
newDeadline datetime New request date, if the date value is less than 1.1.0001, the date will be cancelled. Yes
message string Message - reason for change of deadline No
htmlMessage string Message in HTML - Reason for term change No

void NotifySubscribersOnHdTicketOpen(...)

Sends a notification to subscribers informing them that the request has been reopened.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Request open event number Yes
message string Message - reason for opening the request No
htmlMessage string Message in HTML - reason for opening the request No

void NotifySubscribersOnHdTicketResolved(...)

Sends a notification to subscribers informing them that the request has been resolved.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int The number of the event that resolved the request. Yes
message string Message to requester No
htmlMessage string Message to requester in HTML No

void NotifySubscribersOnMessageSent(...)

Sends a notification to subscribers informing them that a new request message has been received.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
actId int Message event number Yes

void NotifyUserOnMessageRejected(...)

Sends a notification to the requester informing them that the request was denied because they are not authorized to use the service.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
hdSectionId int Service Identifier Yes
fromName string Message sender's first and last name No
fromEmail string Email of the sender of the message No
emailTo string Email of the message recipient (original sender of the message) No
mailSent string Original message date No
mailMessageId string Message identifier No
mailSubject string Subject of original message No
mailBody string Original message text No

void NotifyUserOnOpenRejected(...)

Sends a notification to the requester informing them that the reopen request was denied.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
ticketId int Request ID Yes
hdSectionId int Service Identifier Yes
fromName string Message sender's first and last name No
fromEmail string Email of the sender of the message Yes
emailTo string Email of the message recipient (original sender of the message) No
mailCc string CC (CarbonCopy, copy) of the original message No
mailSent string Original message date No
mailMessageId string Message identifier No
mailSubject string Subject of original message No
mailBody string Original message text No
ticketMark string The mark of a request that was created if the requester attempted to reopen the request after the time limit expired. No

Automatic alerts

void SendCheckSettingsAlert(...)

Sends an email alert to system administrators that deficiencies in system settings have been detected.

void SendNonSummaryAlert(...)

Sends immediately all notifications (on non-resolution, on deadline) for the specified request.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
nAlertId int Number of the rule to send the notification, which is set to SLA. Yes

void SendSummaryAlert(...)

Sends a summary alert (on pending, on deadline) for the specified request, but only if they are to be sent at the current hour.

Parameter Data type Description Mandatory
nAlertId int The number of the notification sending rule that is set to SLA. Yes


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