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Power BI report templates

For basic information about Power BI report templates, please refer to the Power BI report templates chapter for Asset managers.

Alvao Analysis

The report contains the following pages:

  • Historical overview - an overview of key trends over time
    • Number of open tickets - in this chart you can see how the number of open tickets is trending over time. The graph should be stagnant or, better yet, decreasing. If the graph is increasing, the resolution team is probably not keeping up with the incoming tickets. In the report filters, choose the services for which you want to display the graph, and change the period displayed if necessary.
    • Number of tickets - In this chart you can see the evolution of the number of newly created, closed and deleted tickets over time, i.e. a more detailed view of the gains and losses in the number of open tickets from the top chart. By viewing the graph for a longer period of time, you can see, for example, regularly recurring seasonal peaks in service load and compare the magnitude of these fluctuations between years.
    • Team work (hours) - you can see in the graph how much time individual workers have spent on a given ticket (see Time Reporting). Thus, you can discover that, for example, the increase in the number of open requests in the top graph is not due to a currently higher demand for the service (second graph), but because the solution team is not currently paying enough attention to the tickets (third graph).
You can analyze the details in the charts on this and some other pages, see Mode to go to details in the Power BI visual. For example, time charts that default to displaying data by weeks can be switched to display by months or days. Similarly, you can switch user maps to organization maps or service maps to root service or ticket maps.
  • First response fulfillment - analysis of time to first response
    • Average time to response - the chart shows the evolution of the average time to first response over time for each SLA.
    • First Response - in the bar chart you can see the number of requests in which the first response was fulfilled (green) or not fulfilled (red). The line graph shows the average success rate of first responses in percentage. Select a value with the mouse and the table below the graph shows details of the relevant tickets. The link in the last column of the table leads directly to the web page of the ticket.
  • Resolution fulfillment - time to resolution analysis. The page has a similar structure to the First response fulfillment page.
  • Last week - at the top of the page you can see tabs with the values of selected KPIs for the past week and their comparison with the previous week and the same week last year. Hover your mouse over the current value and a bubble will show a detailed chart of the evolution of that KPI over the year. In the bottom graphs, you can see the first response success rate and time to resolution by solver, and the work of the people who put time into tickets.
  • Satisfaction survey - on this page you will find an evaluation of the submitted satisfaction surveys. The tabs at the top of the page represent each question of the survey. Each tab shows the average of the responses as a value ranging from 1 to 4 (1=unsatisfied, 4=satisfied), the frequency of each response, and a graph of the evolution of the average response over time. Click on any value and the bottom table will show the verbal comments made by the tickets in the respective tickets. Satisfaction questionnaires are part of the ALVAO Satisfaction Feedback module.
  • New tickets - analysis of the creation of new tickets
    • Ticket submission methods - you can see the ratio between the different ticket submission methods in the graph.
    • Number of submitted tickets - a graph of the evolution of the number of tickets created over time by each submission method.
    • Service load - in the table you can see the number of tickets created in each service.
    • New tickets by service - graph of the evolution of the number of tickets created over time by service.
Right-click on any value in the charts, select Drill through - Ticket table from the menu, and the corresponding ticket table will appear on the page. To return to the report page, click the arrow in the upper left corner.
  • Daily utilization - track the number of tickets created and resolved during the day. In the top chart you can see the number of tickets created at each hour of the day and in the bottom chart the number of tickets resolved. Click on any value in the graphs and the corresponding tickets will be displayed in the bottom table. The hours displayed are in the UTC time zone.
  • Ticket analysis - The graphs show the number of tickets sequentially by requester, solver, service, status, and SLA. Use the Overall status filter to view only open or closed tickets.
  • Work (hours) - The top two maps show the number of hours posted to tickets by service (left) and user (right), respectively. In the bottom chart, you can see the progression of reported hours over time. If you only want to view the graph for a service or user, click on the service or user in the maps above the graph. In the table below the graph, the corresponding requests are displayed at the same time.
  • The remaining pages of the report relate (also) to the ALVAO Asset Management product.


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