Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.2Extending modulesALVAO SAM AssistantInstallation Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.


Computer Requirements

  • ALVAO Asset Management
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services


The module must be activated with the activation key which you can receive from your ALVAO system vendor.

  1. Select the Enter activation key command in the ALVAO WA – Management – License menu.
  2. Provide your activation key.


SAM Manager Report is distributed in a separate installation package available from your ALVAO system vendor. Install the Report into MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Other functions of the module is a part of ALVAO Asset Management product installation.

Basic settings

  1. Go to the Settings page under ALVAO WebApp – Management.
  2. On the Sending messages page, set the SMTP server and the message sender.
  3. On the WebApp page, enter the URL address of the ALVAO WebApp into the WebApp (URL) field.


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