Enabling reCAPTCHA
For better protection against password guessing attacks, the reCAPTCHA display can be enabled in the ALVAO WebApp.
The reCAPTCHA support is only valid for version 2 (Checkbox variant). To enable it, proceed as follows.
- Go to
reCAPTCHA, create an account and get your public and private keys. Follow the instructions on the page.
- Execute the following SQL statements on the database, adding the obtained public key (Site key) and private key (Secret key):
INSERT INTO tProperty (tProperty,tPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.CAPTCHAPublicKey', N'<public key>');
INSERT INTO tProperty (tProperty,tPropertyValue) VALUES(N'WebApp.CAPTCHAPrivateKey';
- In case of a large number of unsuccessful logins to the WebApp, the login will be checked to make sure they are human and not automated robots.
To disable this behavior, do the following:
DELETE FROM tProperty WHERE sProperty = N'WebApp.CAPTCHAPublicKey';
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