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IView (deprecated)

This interface is deprecated. Instead of this interface use the IEntityTab interface.

By implementing the IView interface (custom tabs), you can use it to display custom content in the ticket detail.
This can be a custom page in the Alvao WebApp or, for example, an external parameterized link.

A poorly defined custom bookmark can irreversibly damage the Alvao database, so always create and test on a copy of the database in a test environment.
Pages that have disabled iframe display cannot be displayed in bookmarks.
A prerequisite for creating a functional bookmark is a good knowledge of Alvao database and Alvao.API.
If the custom tab is to display a different page from the Alvao WebApp, use the Alvao.API.Common.DbProperty.WebAppUrl property from the Alvao.API interface to get the root URL.

In the application create a new script according to the IView template and name it appropriately according to the content that the tab displays.In the newly created script, set the values of the id and name properties in the constructor of the command class:
  • id - bookmark number (unique)
  • name - the name of the bookmark that will be displayed in applications
To store the properties and settings of the tab, we recommend defining the Settings class in a separate script that you create from the Class Library template.

Interface methods

Method Description
Show Display the custom ticket tab.


This method handles the display of the ticket s own page.
  • Syntax: string Show(SqlConnection con, SqlTransaction trans, int ticketId, int personId)
  • Parameters:
    • con - SqlConnection to the database.
    • trans - SqlTransaction of the database transaction in progress.
    • ticketId - The ticket ID (tHdTicket.iHdTicketId) for which the custom page will be displayed.
    • personId - the user ID (tPerson.iPersonId) for which the custom tab is to be displayed.
  • Return value:
    • string - a text string containing the URL to display on the custom bookmark. If the URL is empty, the bookmark is not displayed to the user.
For an example use case, see the ShowRequesterAddress application template.


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