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Application templates

Application templates are ready-made applications that you can use immediately (see Application installation below), or you can customize them and create your own apps with specific functionality.

Template Description Required Custom Apps module
ObjectIntune.xml To the Object page, adds the MS Intune command that opens the MS Intune page representing the selected object based on the Intune device id property.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
ObjectManufacturerSupport.xml To the Object page, adds the Manufacturer support command that opens the manufacturer’s web page representing the selected object based on the object properties Manufacturer, and Serial number (or BIOS serial number). Works only for manufacturers Dell and Lenovo.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
ObjectChatWithUser.xml To the Object page, adds the Chat with user command that starts a Microsoft Teams chat with the user who is responsible for the object or has been entrusted with its use.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
TicketCreateTaskInToDo.xml To the Ticket page, adds the Create task command that creates a new task in MS To Do.
To view the command, the user must be a member of the of the solution team of the service and be imported from Microsoft Entra ID. The Microsoft Graph Tasks.ReadWrite permission must be enabled to create a task.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
TicketCreateOutlookMeeting.xml To the Ticket page, adds the Create meeting command that creates a new task in MS Outlook calendar.
To view the command, the user must be a member of the of the solution team of the service.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
TicketCostsCalculation.xml The command will sum the values from the SW Costs and HW Costs custom fields for the request.
To execute the example, it requires adding custom fields costSW, costHW and costTotal of type int to the tHdTicketCust table.
Then with StateId and with ServiceId specify, where the ticket should be displayed.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
TicketOpenAttachments.xml To the Ticket page, adds the Open attachments command for opening an attachment link saved in Attachments custom field of the request.
To execute the example, it requires adding custom field named Attachments of type nvarchar to the tHdTicketCust table and naming the column in the same way.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
MultilingualCommand.xml Example of a multilingual application.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityCommand
ReportProblem.xml Adds Report problem command in the main menu. Using the command, the requester can report a problem via the Service Catalog.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IGeneralCommand
ApproveByGroupMember.xml When approval of a ticket gets started, this application automatically adds a member of a particular user group to the Approving tab of the request. The group member is chosen by the value of the Office field which must be equal to the value of the Office field of the ticket s requester.
To run the example, a custom field ApprovalGroupName of type nvarchar is assumed to be added to the TicketStateCust table.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: ITicketAutoAction
AssignToTester.xml This app automatically assigns a ticket to a solver from the Testers group if the ticket is in the Program Modifications service and in a state with ID 1.
To run the example, a custom field solvedInVersion of type nvarchar is assumed to be added to the tHdTicketCust table.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: ITicketAutoAction
CreateAnalysis.xml When a new ticket is created in the Program modifications service, a linked ticket is also created in the Program modifications/Designs and analyzes service to create a design for the created request.
To run the example, a custom field createAnalysis of type bool is assumed to be added to the tHdTicketCust table.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: ITicketAutoAction
SendMailsAboutNewEvent.xml When an event is created in a ticket in the Program Modifications service this event is forwarded by email to each service manager, unless they are the author or recipient of the event (or their account is disabled).
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IActAutoAction
DeclineMessageSendCustomNotification.xml Modifies the notification about a message rejection if the sender does not have any SLA.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IMailMessageAutoAction
AssignToSolverByEmail.xml When a message is loaded, the message text for an existing ticket is examined for a command to pass to the solver ASSIGNTO: solver name. If the command is found and the solver is found by name, the ticket is automatically assigned to the solver and the message is not logged in the ticket log. Otherwise, the message is processed in the standard way.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IMailMessageAutoAction
OrderAfterApproval.xml When a ticket is approved in Purchase service by all approvers, the ticket goes into the Order state.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: ITicketApprovalAutoAction
ObjectKnowledgeBase.xml To the Object page, adds the Knowledge base tab displaying knowledge base articles that contain the manufacturer and model of the object.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityTab
TicketKnowledgeBase.xml To the Ticket page, adds the Knowledge base tab displaying a list of the relevant knowledge base articles (assigned to the ticket service) to the members of the solution team of the service.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityTab
TicketShowRequesterAddress.xml If the selected ticket is in the defined service and status, the Ticket page will display the Show requester's address tab with the requester's address (by organization) in the map.

The example works with classes whose libraries are not part of the default CodeExtension_Template.cs file.
These are the WebClientWebClient, XmlDocument and StringBuilder classes.

The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityTab
TicketShowLinkDiagram.xml If the selected ticket is in the defined service, the Ticket page will display the CMDB diagram tab with the linked object.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IEntityTab
Alvao Configuration Management module is required.
TicketAutoClose.xml This app automatically closes a resolved ticket after the deadline for the requester to reopen the ticket has passed.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IPeriodicAction
AutoCloseInactiveTickets.xml The resolved tickets are checked to see if they have passed the time limit for the requester to reopen the ticket (days) and have the automatic transition to the Closed status turned off. If these tickets are not closed within 14 days, they are closed automatically.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IPeriodicAction
UpdateSuperiorGroup.xml This app automatically fills a particular user group with all superiors of users from a particular organization. The user group can then be used for instance in a definition of a custom field of the type User.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IPeriodicAction
CheckObjectMandatoryProperties.xml Objects that do not have all mandatory properties filled in cannot be moved from a warehouse to another location in the object tree.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IObjectMoveAutoAction
SetComputerDetectionProfile.xml When you move a computer out of a Warehouse, the detection profile named Standard is automatically assigned to the computer.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IObjectMoveAutoAction
CheckPhoneNumberFormat.xml This app checks the format of the new Phone number object property value.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IObjectPropertyAutoAction
CopyNewPropertyValueToAnotherProperty.xml This app writes the new value of the Phone number property to the Phone property of the same object if it is empty.
The template contains the following types of program extensions: IObjectPropertyAutoAction

Application installation

  1. Download the file with the selected template to your computer.
  2. In Administration - Applications Use the Import command to import the downloaded file.
  3. Use Edit - Scripts Edit the Settings script according to the instructions therein so that the application settings match your Alvao settings. Save your changes using the Compile and Save command.
  4. Finally, in Administration - Applications Use the Allow command to allow the application to run.
Full backward compatibility of scripts is not guaranteed. It is possible that when upgrading Alvao to the next version, application scripts may need to be updated with templates for the current version of Alvao.


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