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Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 11.2 / Application pages / Administration / Service Desk / Services / New service / Extended


This section on the New Service form contains additional service settings.


  • Show optional items to the requester - specify the optional ticket items that will be displayed on the ticket page to Requesters without any other user role.

    You can enter one or more comma-separated values, where each value corresponds to one ticket item:

    Value Ticket item
    tHdTicket.RelatedAccountId Related Organization
    tHdTicket.Impact Fall
    tHdTicket.Urgency Urgency
    tHdTicket.Priority Priority
    tHdTicket.sHdTicketDeviceCode Device number
    tHdTicket.Objects Objects - requesters will see the Objects tab on the ticket page.
    tHdTicket.liHdTicketSlaId SLA and its description
    tHdTicketCust.<db column name of custom field> Custom fields

    On the ticket page, requesters see only the items enabled in the process of the service.

    On the new-ticket form, you can display items to the requester independently of this setting..
  • Time limit for reopening the ticket by the requester (days) - Enter the number of days from resolution that the Requester can reopen the ticket. A value of 0 means that the Requester cannot reopen the resolved request.
  • If requester attempts to reopen the ticket post the permissible time frame, create a new ticket - If this option is disabled and, after the deadline to reopen a resolved ticket has expired, the requester sends a message to the ticket (e.g., responds to a resolution notification), the system will notify the requester that the message has been rejected. The rejected message is saved in the ticket communication, and the solver(s) or service main solvers are notified through a notification, but the ticket remains resolved. If you enable this option, the system will then create a new ticket based on the requester's message and inform the requester with the usual notification of ticket creation. An automatic link is created between the new ticket and the ticket to which the message was originally directed.
  • In the service - select the service in which the new ticket is to be created. The <This service> option represents the service being modified. You can also select a service from the tree by clicking [...] after the input field. The requester must have an SLA assigned to the selected service, otherwise the new ticket will not be created in that service.
After enabling this option, we recommend setting the time limit for reopening a ticket above to more than 0 days, otherwise a new ticket will be created each time the requester responds after the ticket is resolved.
  • Requesters see the tickets of other requesters - Enable if you want to allow requesters on this service to also view tickets from other requesters from the same organization.
  • Supervisors can see tickets from their reports - Enable if you want to allow supervisors of requesters on this service to view the tickets of their reports.
  • Custom Workflow (URL) - specify the URL of the custom ticket page to be used instead of the default system ticket page, if desired.
  • Use satisfaction survey - enable if you want to use a satisfaction questionnaire. Add a short message to each standard ticket resolution notification with a link to this questionnaire.
  • Custom survey (URL) - enter the URL custom satisfaction questionnaire to use instead of the system questionnaire.
    For example, Custom/<company name>/<questionnaire name>.


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