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New ticket form

In this window, you can specify the form of the New ticket form that requesters use to submit their tickets self-service. This form may look different in each service and may contain different fields. Main solvers who submit tickets on behalf of requesters see this form extended by additional fields for main solvers.


  • Command panel
    • Save and close - save changes and close this window.
    • Add field - add an field, text or section to the end of the form.
    • Form design/Custom form (URL) - select whether to design the form by selecting the ticket fields, or use custom programmed form and enter only its URL.
    • ...
  • Form design mode - in this mode, form fields are displayed in the window. You can add additional fields to the form by using the Add field command in the command bar or by clicking the button below the last field. Clicking on the field name will expand the field body with additional options. You can change the order of fields on the form by dragging them with the mouse.
    • Requested for - the field appears on the form only to members of the Users with permission to create tickets for other users system group. This field cannot be removed from the form or moved to another location.
    • Ticket name - This field is displayed in the editor even if it is hidden on the form.
      • Display in the form - turn this on if you want to show a field on the form for requesters to enter a ticket name.
      • Hide on form and build ticket name by template - turn on if you do not want the requester to enter the ticket name on the form, but want the name to be built automatically from the values of other fields. Specify a template to automatically build the title according to. You can use static text in the template and also variables representing the values of the ticket fields. The template is applied only to newly created tickets. If the template contains variables, the ticket is not automatically renamed when the value of the ticket field (variable) is changed.
        • Insert variable - in the ticket name template, place the cursor where you want to insert the variable, and then select the variable from this menu.
    • Objects
      • Required - see this option in the Other fields block
      • Insert into ticket name template - see this option in the Other fields block
      • Limit field by object type - if you want the requester to be able to fill in only objects of certain types in the Objects field when submitting a ticket, specify those allowed types.
    • Sections - to make the form clearer, you can group its fields into sections and name these sections. Insert a section into the form using the Add field command and then move it to the place where the block of fields should start. The block will include all subsequent fields until the end of the form or the beginning of the next section. In the New ticket form, the user can then collapse or expand each section of fields as needed.
      • Edit (pencil icon) - edit section name.
      • Remove from form (trashcan icon) - removal of the section. Section entries are not removed from the form.
      • More options after expanding
        • When the form is displayed, section - Collapse/Expand - select the default section display mode on the New ticket form.
    • Text block - add formatted static text with additional information to the form. Once the text is saved, you will see its preview here.
      • Edit (pencil icon) - edit the text.
      • Remove from form (trashcan icon) - remove the text block.
    • Additional fields - a list of additional form fields.
      • Field header
        • Form field (lock icon) - this icon indicates fields that are only on the form for submitting a new ticket. These fields, unlike process-defined fields, do not appear on the General tab of the ticket, and members of the solution team cannot change their values in the ticket. Like process-defined fields, these fields are written to the ticket creation message and can be displayed in the columns of the ticket table.
        • Edit (pencil icon) - edit the selected field.
        • Remove from form (trashcan icon) - remove the selected fields from the form. Fields that are set as required for the process of the service cannot be removed from the form.
      • Field body
        • Required - turn on if you want to prevent the requester from submitting a ticket without filling in a value in this field. For fields that are set as required for the New status in the process service, this option cannot be disabled. The Ticket name, Ticket description, and Ticket attachments fields cannot be marked as required.
        • Insert into ticket name template - adds a variable representing the value of this field at the end of the ticket name template, see Ticket name.
  • Custom form (URL) mode

The New ticket form displays all required fields for the New status in addition to the selected optional fields, according to the process settings.

Service - Edit - Extended section - the Show optional fields to requester option does not specify the fields displayed on the New ticket form.


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