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Delete Object

  1. Go to the tree and right-click on the object that you want to delete.
  2. Select -Delete from the context menu (or press the DEL key).
  3. After you have confirmed the question that appears on the screen, the Date and Time window may open where you can enter the real date and time, if you are entering this change ex post.
  4. The object will be deleted from the tree.
If you enable the option Don't show this window next time and use current date and time in the Date and Time window, the window will not be opened next time. If you need to enable opening this window in future again, go to Tools – Settings, click on the General tab and disable the option Create history records including current date and time.
If Permissions in the Objects Tree are enabled, the system will not allow you to delete objects which contain any child object which you have no permissions to delete.

The object will not be deleted from the database permanently, it will be moved to the Recycle Bin. The Recycle Bin is usually hidden for viewing in the Objects tree. You can display it in the View – Hidden objects (this operation can only be done by users with the Asset system administrator user role).

You can restore the deleted objects by moving them back to the tree.

You can remove the content of the Recycle Bin permanently if you right-click on the Recycle Bin and select - Empty Recycle Bin from the context menu.

Only administrators can empty the Recycle Bin.


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