Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.0ALVAO Asset ManagementObjects and PropertiesDisposed Assets Registry Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

Disposed Assets Registry

The Objects tree includes a special folder called Disposed assets for discarded asset registry. This folder includes assets that were discarded from the registry, i.e. that used to be used in the company before, but was already scrapped in the past. This folder is not intended to store assets that will be discarded in future.

Properties of discarded assets

  • discarded assets do not block licenses
  • discarded computers cannot be detected
  • all licenses assigned to discarded computers will be released, except for OEM licenses which will be voided; this behavior can be protected with a safety confirmation prompt.
  • all software installed on discarded computers will be marked as uninstalled; this behavior can be protected with a safety confirmation prompt.
  • installed software cannot be viewed

The object for disposed assets can be renamed and moved to any other object in the Registry. You can also use an unlimited number of these objects.


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