Request detail
You can display the following tabs content in the request detail located in the bottom right part of the Service Desk Console main window:
The tab displays entries from the request log. Click the arrow after the tab name to display a menu where you can choose a view filter:
- Communication (default filter) – shows only those records that were created by users, i.e. any e-mail or performed action to which users have added their own message or attached an attachment. The requestor sees only records with the Show to requester option enabled. Only this filter is available to the requester.
- Specification and solution – displays only events marked as request specification or solution
- Detailed log – displays all request log entries
The tab displays the request items (e.g. solver, requester, or creation date) filled in when creating or editing the request. Some items are links, for example requester or SLA. You can view further details of the given item by clicking on them.
On the tab you can edit the request links to other requests. Existing links and basic information about the linked requests are displayed in the list.
- Add – create a new link.
- Delete – remove links selected in the list.
- Edit – edit the link selected.
Displays individual statuses of the request solution process, what happens to the request in these statuses, and in which status the request currently is.
(The tab is only available within the Insider Preview)
The tab displays objects from ALVAO Asset Management that are linked to the given request (see the Objects item).
- Add an object – link another object to the request.
- Remove the object – remove selected object links from the request.
- Display in window – displays linked objects in a new AM Console window.
Note: Adding and removing links to objects is recorded in the detailed Request log.
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