Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 8.2ALVAO Asset ManagementObjects and PropertiesEdit Object Properties Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

Edit Object Properties

The properties of an object can be edited on the Properties tab in the Main Window.

Edit Property Value

  1. Select a property whose value you want to and double-click it or press the Enter or the F2 key.
    Some property values cannot be edited. This is for example true of property values that are set from the detection or from the Active Directory, or if you have insufficient permissions to perform the operation.
  2. The value area will switch over to the Edit mode. Enter a new value or select it from the drop-down box (code list).
    You can open the drop-down box by pressing Alt + Down Arrow or F4.
  3. Press Enter or Tab to save the changes. Pressing the Tab key will jump to the next property and open it for editing. You can also press Shift + Tab to save the changes and to start editing the previous property. Any changes will also be saved by clicking outside the edited field.
    If you want to cancel a change, press the Esc key.

Enter Barcode in the Value

  1. Select the property where you want to save the barcode value from the barcode reader.
  2. Right-click on the property and select Insert bar code.
  3. The CS1504 Barcode Reader Manager will open where you can select one barcode and click on the Select button to confirm the selection. The value will be saved in the property that is currently selected in the table and the item in the Barcode Reader Manager will be marked as used.
    The barcode cannot be entered in certain properties. This is for example true of property values that are set from the detection or from the Active Directory, or if you have insufficient permissions to perform the operation.

Generate Property Value Ex Post Based On Numeric Sequence

A property can use an automatic Code list that is used to generate the property values automatically. Sometimes it may become necessary to generate this value ex post.

  1. Right-click on the property and select Generate value from the context menu.
  2. If a numeric sequence is defined for this property, a safety question will open first and then the new value will be generated based on numeric sequence.

Change Property Attributes

  1. Select and right-click on a property.
  2. Select Edit from the context menu. The Property window opens with the details on the selected property.
    You can also press Alt+Enter to open this window.
  3. Edit the property attributes (this property determines the object name, inherit property) as required and click OK to confirm the changes.
    The attributes can only be edited by users with the Asset system administrator user role.

Add Or Delete Object Property

If you want to add a new property to the list, right-click anywhere in the list and select New Property. The List of Properties window opens. Select and double-click the property that you want to add to the object. Then enter the property value.

You can delete object properties as usual. Right-click on the property that you want to remove from the object and select Delete from the context menu.

Unlike deleting and editing an object property, adding a new property to an object will not be recorded in the Object history.


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