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ALVAO Standard HW/SW Request Forms

This module supports the process of requesting pre-approved hardware and software.

Technical requirements

  • ALVAO Asset Management
  • ALVAO Service Desk

Create custom HW columns

Creating custom columns using a sample service:

  1. Download the sample service file.
  2. In Administration - Service Desk - Services click on the Import button.
  3. Select and upload the sample file and confirm the import.
  4. Now you can delete the sample service.
  5. Set the custom form to your service:
    1. In the service tree, select the service (IT/New HW Ticket) and use the Edit - New Ticket Form command.
    2. Change the Form design section to Custom Form (URL) and set the value to: ~/StandardHwRequestForm or ~/StandardSwRequestForm.
    The status entered by creating a ticket must not have any mandatory items.

Devices offered

In the object tree, first define a list of categories and devices from which users will be able to select devices, e.g.:

  • HW Ticket (type HW Ticket - Catalog)
    • Notebooks (type HW ticket - category)
      • Standard Laptop (type HW Ticket - Item)
    • Desktop computers (type HW ticket - category)
      • Standard PC (type HW ticket - item)
    • Monitors (type HW ticket - category)
      • Standard Monitor (type HW Ticket - Item)

On the form, catalog items (of type HW Ticket - Item) show users all properties of the objects that have a value filled in, except for the system properties Order, User Groups, and Hidden Properties. You can add additional properties to the HW Ticket - Item object template as needed to display to users in the catalog.


If you want to record additional properties in the item objects for catalog management purposes, but they should not be displayed to users in the form, in the HW Ticket - Catalog object in the Hidden Properties property, provide a comma-separated list of these properties, e.g. "Last updated (date), Url in supplier's e-shop".

Categories and items are displayed on the form in alphabetical order by object name. If you want to display objects in a different order, use the Order property. The objects will then be primarily sorted by the value of the Order property in ascending order, with objects that do not have this property filled in being displayed last. Objects with the same value in this property will be sorted secondarily alphabetically by object name.

We recommend writing values in the form e.g. "10 152" to the Price property. Before submitting the ticket the total price of the ordered items will then be displayed to the user at the bottom of the form.


If you want to offer some categories or items on the form only to some users, in the User Groups property, provide a comma-separated list of user groups to which the category or item should be offered. The user to whom the devices are intended is the decisive one. The Requester of the ticket can be someone else. If the User Groups property has an empty value, the object is displayed to all users.


If you need to offer users items with significantly different properties in the catalog, you can define other object types in addition to the system type HW Ticket - Item. In the form, objects of any type are displayed to requesters as items.

Device images

Create a note in the object log and insert the device image as an attachment. Images must be in JPG or PNG format. The recommended image size is 150x150 px.

If a facility's log contains multiple notes with images attached, the form will display the image from the most recent note. If the note contains multiple images, the most recently inserted image is displayed. If there is no such note in the log, the object is displayed on the form without an image.

Edit HW ticket form

In the .cs file before starting the LoadPage() function, you can edit the values of the variables:

  1. folderName - enter the name of the folder including the path in the tree that contains each category of devices offered, e.g. "HW request".
  2. categoryObjectKind - specify the type of objects that represent the categories, e.g. "HW Ticket - Category". Sub-objects of these categories will appear on the form as offered devices. Objects that do not have a categoryObjectKind will not be displayed on the form as category objects (and their child objects will not be displayed).
    The user can ticket any child of the object specified by the folderName and categoryObjectKind variables (i.e., even an object that they would not have access to in the Asset Management tree).
  3. categories - specify the category names (e.g. "Monitors, Laptops") to be displayed on the form. If the variable is empty, all categories are displayed.

The display of objects and their properties can be edited in the .cshtml file. For more information on editing forms, see Custom form for submitting a new ticket.

Create custom SW column

Follow the same steps as creating a custom HW columns, but use the Custom/Templates/StandardHwSwRequestForm/Code/StandardHwSwRequestForm_Sw_NewTicket.cshtml and Custom/Templates/StandardHwSwRequestForm/Code/StandardHwSwRequestForm_Sw_NewTicket.cs files.

The form displays software products that are in approved state, for more see product status.

It is not possible to set the display of images for individual products in this form.


For more information on editing forms, see Custom form for submitting a new ticket.


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