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New ticket

You can use this form to create a new ticket for a specific service. The specific content and appearance of the form depends on the situation in which you are using it, the service you are making the ticket to, and your system settings. If you are making a ticket as a requester (e.g. from a service catalog), you will see a simplified form. If you are creating a ticket as a member of a service team, all the items in the ticket are available on the form.


  • Command panel
    • Attachment - attach an attachment to the ticket description. This command has the same function as the Add attachment button in new note form.
    • Copy Values - fills the form with the corresponding values from the linked ticket. This command is only displayed if the form was opened with the New linked ticket command. The Requester, Service and SLA fields are not copied.
    • Use template - select the ticket template you want to use to fill out the form. Items for which no values are defined in the template will remain unchanged.
    • Requester's tickets - displays a table with the existing tickets of the requester already filled in on the form.
  • New ticket (select link type) - select which link type the new ticket should be linked to the ticket that is listed under the input field. This command only appears if the form was opened with the New linked ticket command, see Ticket links.
  • Requester - enter at least part of the requester's name and then select the requester from the drop-down menu.
    If you connect Alvao to the switchboard, the incoming call will automatically open this form on the main solver's screen and the corresponding requester will be automatically searched and filled in based on the caller's phone number.
  • Non-registered user - enable this option if the Requester of the ticket is not a registered Alvao user (i.e. not registered in Administration - Users).
  • Contact information - if the requester is an unregistered user, please fill in their contact details.
    • Name and Surname
    • Mobile phone
    • Email, Email 2
    • Work phone
    • Organization - type part of the organization name and select the organization you are looking for in the drop down menu.
    • Department, Position, Office
    • Other Contacts
  • Service - type the part of the service name you want to insert the new ticket into, then select the service you are looking for in the drop-down menu.
    • ... - or select the service in the service tree.
  • Requested for another user - enable this option if you want to create a ticket for another user, e.g. you are requesting equipment for your report or colleague. Enter at least part of the name of the user for whom you are creating the request, and then select it from the drop-down menu. Only users who have an SLA to the service and are from the same organization as the Requester are offered.
  • Ticket Name - enter a concise name for the ticket.
  • Description - enter a detailed description of the ticket.
  • Attachments - list the attachments to the ticket
    • Add attachment - select the file you want to attach as an attachment. You can also attach files by dragging and dropping them into the form.
  • Objects - select the object to which the ticket relates from the drop-down menu. By default, the menu contains the assets entrusted to the requester. If you want to select a different object, enter part of its name or serial, inventory or registration number in the input line. You can also specify the type of object, e.g. by typing "monitor: dell" you can search for all objects of type Monitor whose name starts with the string dell.
    • ... - search for the object and select it in the object tree.
  • SLA - select SLA from the drop-down menu. If the menu is empty, the requester has no SLA in the selected service and cannot submit tickets for that service.
  • Impact - select the impact of the ticket from the menu, e.g. ITIL incident.
  • Urgency - select the urgency of the ticket from the menu, e.g. ITIL incident.
  • Priority - if applicable, select an appropriate priority from the menu.
    Priority can be determined automatically based on the selected Impact. and Urgency.
  • Related organizations - if applicable, type the part of the name of the organization to which the ticket is related and then select the organization you are looking for from the drop-down menu.
  • Device Number - if applicable, enter the number of the device to which the ticket relates.
  • Ticket Submission Method - select from the drop-down which communication channel the ticket was submitted through. This field only appears if you are making a ticket on behalf of another requester.
  • Assign to me - enable if you want to be the solver of the ticket.
  • Assign - turn on if you want to assign the ticket to a specific solver, or solver group.
    • Solver Group - type part of the name of the solver group and then select the appropriate group from the drop-down menu. The field is only displayed if at least one group has the "Solution Group" option set on the service.
    • Ticket queue without solver - select this option if you want to return the ticket to the main solvers of the service (if the ticket is assigned to the Main solver group) or to all solvers of another solver group (if the ticket is assigned to a solver group other than Main).
    • Assign to solver - select this option if you want to assign the ticket to a specific solver. Then type part of the solver's name and select the appropriate solver from the drop-down menu.
    • Change the ticket status to - select the status to which the ticket should change when assigned to the solver from the drop-down menu.
    • Message for solver - Alternatively, write a message to the solver that will be sent to them in the email notification when the ticket has been assigned for resolution. If you have changed the status of the request, the message is pre-populated with instructions for the solver according to the Solve Progress.
  • Cost Report - if applicable, report the work time spent creating the ticket.


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