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Ticket list

The list of tickets is displayed in the Alvao WebApp on the Tickets page and also on some other pages.

If you want to customize the sorting or filtering of tickets in the current view, use the Table command to switch the list view to a table, customize the table as needed, and then switch the view back using the Table command. Commands to switch the view mode are also available in the view menu - Display options - Show Table/Tables. In Settings - View you will find additional options for setting the appearance of both the tile list and the table.

In Table mode, unlike the default Tiles mode, you can select multiple tickets at once and perform bulk operations on them.

Number of unread tickets in view

Use the command in the current view menu - Display options - Show the number of unread tickets with the view name after it to display the number of unread tickets in the view, even if the view is not currently active. This makes it easy to see on the page that a new ticket or message has been added to the view without having to refresh the page or switch views.

Tickets archive

Resolved and closed tickets are automatically moved to the archive 6 months after resolution. By default, archived tickets are not displayed in the ticket table. You can view them using the command in the view menu - Display options - Display archive. If a closed ticket is reopened, it is automatically moved from the archive back to the active tickets.

Ticket links

If you are using linkss between requests, in Table mode, use the command in the current view menu - Display options - Display links to enable browsing links directly in the table. In the ticketName column, this will display arrows to expand the linkss for tickets that have other tickets linked to them. Then, in the view, to better navigate between the linked tickets, we recommend that you also display the Link type column. You can use the Hide links command to turn off the display of linked tickets in the table.

Table columns

You can view the columns below in the tickets table.

Regular requesters (i.e., requesters who are not members of a service's project team) have, for simplicity, only a limited range of columns available, see the value Yes in the Available to Regular Requesters column in the table below.

Column name Description Available to regular tickets
Current target The goal that the solver is currently expected to achieve in a given ticket, i.e., first response, ticket resolution, or other internal goal. For first response and resolution, the current goal and its deadline is set automatically according to the selected SLA. No
Current target (due date) Deadline of response, resolution, or internal target, i.e. the target specified in the current-target column. No
Current target (remaining hours) Time until the current target expires. Data is calculated in operating hours and can be supplemented with icons.
Less than 8 hours left until deadline Less than 8 hours left until the current target date.
The deadline for the current goal is exceeded The deadline of the current target is exceeded.
The ticket has a suspended SLA The ticket has a suspended SLA.
Overall satisfaction Feedback from the ticket - overall satisfaction with the solution No
Time traveled (hours) Sum of all the "time en route" items that have been reported for the ticket. No
Waiting for email Email to the recipient of the last email from which we are waiting for a response. No
Waiting for ticket (hours) If Waiting for ticket is enabled - that is, the solution cannot currently proceed without a response from the ticket - the number of hours waited is listed in the field. The field is blank if waiting for the ticket is disabled. No
Waiting for ticket (hours) Total time in hours (including the current wait) for the ticket within the ticket. No
Ticket number The unique ticket number assigned to the ticket when it was created. Yes
Device Number The device number is the unique number that was assigned to the device when it was created in Asset Management. If you are using Service Desk in combination with Asset Management, you can include the device number to which the ticket applies in the ticket. No
Read Shows "Yes" if the logged-in user is only a reader of the service and not a member of its resolution team. No
Time open (hours) The total time the ticket has been open, i.e. from the time the ticket was submitted until the ticket is resolved or until the present time if the ticket is open. If the ticket has been reopened, the value in this column includes the time when the ticket was temporarily resolved. No
Open time without waiting for the ticket (hours) The total number of hours the ticket was open, i.e. from the time the ticket was made until it was resolved (or up to the present), EXCEPT the time during which the ticket was pending (during which time resolution could not proceed). No
Opening time without SLA pause (hours) Opening time without SLA pause (hours) The total number of hours the ticket has been open, i.e. from the time the ticket was submitted to the time it was resolved (or up to the present), NOT including the time during which the SLA was suspended. No
Impact Fall (un)resolved ticket No

Icons illustrating the current status of the ticket:
Resolved ticket Resolved ticket
Ticket removed Deleted ticket
Ticket has no solver The ticket has no solver.
Ticket has no resolution date set Ticket has no resolution date set.
Ticket has SLA suspended The ticket has a suspended SLA.
Ticket has approval in progress Approval is in progress on the ticket.

Sort tickets by this column:
  1. ticket does not have a resolution date and does not have a solver
  2. ticket has a deadline for resolution and no resolution
  3. ticket has no deadline for resolution and has a solver
  4. ticket has a deadline for resolution and has a solver
  5. ticket is resolved
  6. ticket is closed
In the case of equal ranking, the secondary ranking is based on the amount of time the current goal deadline was exceeded, respectively, / by the time to the current goal deadline.
Internal target The name of the internal goal in the ticket solution set by a member of the solution team. No
Internal target (due date) Deadline for internal target No
To be resolved A value of "Yes" ("1") means that you are currently responsible for resolving the ticket, i.e. you are the solver of the ticket, or you are a member of the resolution group to which the ticket has been assigned, or the ticket does not have a solver and you are the main solver of the ticket service (or the main solver of the service for the ticket). Otherwise, the column is set to "No" ("0"). No
For approval If the ticket is in approval and the logged-in user is one of the approvers, this entry is set to "1" ("Yes"). Yes
Comments and notes Feedback from the ticket - additional comments and notes on the resolution of the ticket. No
The deadline for reopening a ticket by the ticket is by (date) Time by which the ticket may reopen the ticket if not satisfied with the resolution of the ticket. The deadline for reopening is calculated from the resolution of the ticket and can be set in Administration - Service Desk - Services - Edit service - Properties - Advanced section. No
My Ticket Displays "Yes" if you are the ticket or co-ticket of the ticket. Yes
Urgency Urgency of ticket resolution No
Ticket name The current name of the ticket. Yes
Highest service The root service that is superior to the service in which the ticket is based. Root services are displayed on the home page of the Service Catalog. Yes
Objects Name of the first object from ALVAO Asset Management that is linked to the ticket, see Ticket - Objects tab. Yes
Expertise Feedback from the ticket - evaluation of the expertise of the research team. No
Deleted Date of removal for removed tickets.
To view deleted tickets in the View menu turn on Deleted Items.
Organization Organization ID associated with the ticket. This value is set automatically when the ticket is created and is changing if the requester changes organization or the name of the organization is changed in the Administration. Yes
Number of open child tickets The number of open subtickets of the ticket. The specific tickets can be found on the links tab of the ticket. For details, see Ticket links. Yes
Number of child tickets The number of child tickets of the given ticket. See item above for more details. Yes
Number of links The number of tickets for which a given ticket has any links entered. Yes
Ticket Description Description of the ticket as provided in the ticket creation message. Yes
Order of ticket solving The order in which the ticket will be resolved. The order of ticket solving is maintained for each solver separately. No
Last activity (date) Date and time of the last entry (activity) in the ticket log. No
SLA Suspension (hours) The number of hours of SLA suspension currently in progress due to waiting for a ticket or ticket status. No
SLA paused (hours) Total time in hours that the SLA has been suspended for the ticket (including the SLA suspension currently in progress). No
Notes Ticket Notes Yes
ticketed for Name and surname of the user for whom the ticket was created. Yes
Work (hours) Total all the work reported for resolving the ticket. No
Priority Priority of addressing the ticket for the internal needs of the solution team.
Meaning of displayed icons:
Critical Critical
High High
(no icon) Medium
Low Low
Scheduling Scheduling

The priority can be set by the solution team members themselves, or it can be determined by the values of the impact and urgency items.
Process The Process that is set on the service that handles the ticket. Yes
Professionalism ticket feedback - an evaluation of the professionalism of the ticket resolution. No
Read Contains a value of Yes if you have read the ticket, i.e. there are no new messages or other events in the ticket on the Communications tab that you have not yet read. A value of No means that you have not read the ticket.

These values are only displayed in tickets whose unreadness you are monitoring, see User Menu - Settings - Display - Tickets - In the ticket lists, highlight unread tickets. In other tickets, this column has a blank value.

Received If the ticket was created from an email sent to the service mailbox, the date of receipt into the system is displayed. No
Resolution speed Feedback from ticket - satisfaction with resolution speed No
Solver Current solver of the ticket Yes
Solver (email) Email address of the ticket solver No
Solver (office) solver's office No
Solver (mobile) Ticket handler's mobile phone number No
Solver (department) Ticket handler's department No
Solver (work phone) Solver's work telephone number No
Solver group Current resolution group to which the ticket is assigned for resolution. Yes
Group An item that allows further sorting of tickets into groups, allowing easier filtering and statistical evaluation of tickets. No
SLA Service Level Agreement according to which a given ticket is addressed. No
Ticket following Shows Yes if the logged-in user is following a ticket. Yes
Service Service within which the ticket is currently being addressed. Yes
Related Organization Organization to which the ticket relates. Usually this is the requesting organization, but it can also be another organization, e.g.  in the case of an internal ticket for remote control of the operation of a system at a specific external customer. This value can be added to service procceses in the Administration and by default is null. Yes
Ticket participants The first and last name of the co-ticket of the ticket. If there are multiple co-users, the text "(multiple co-users)" is displayed. You can edit the co-users on the Ticket - General tab. Yes
Status Status according to the ticket resolution procedure. The solving process is defined by the process of the service. Yes
Tag The color of the tag with which you have marked this ticket, see the Ticket - Tag command. You can only label a ticket with one color. The selected tag is only displayed to you. Other users may have the same ticket tagged with a different color tag. Yes
Link type This column contains values only in the table on the Ticket page - Links tab, and in other ticket tables only when ticket links is enabled.

For example, on the ticket page 1 on the Links tab:
Link type Ticket Number Ticket Name
Precedes before 2  ticket 2
This row in the table means that ticket 1 precedes ticket 2.
On the requests page, with links displayed, it will look like this:
Link type Ticket Number Ticket Name
  1 in ticket 1
Precedes before 2        > Ticket 2

Due date A set deadline for resolving the ticket Yes
Warning Warning of a problem with a ticket, e.g. an upcoming SLA ticket resolution deadline, see SLA - Notification Rule No
Closed Date closed ticket Yes
Solved Date of resolved ticket Yes
Created Date of ticket origination (i.e. the ticket was entered into the system) Yes
Distance (km) Sum of all kilometers that have been driven as part of the ticket resolution. No
Alert severity Alert severity for the ticket issue, see Alert column. No
Ticket submission method The way the ticket was created, i.e. the type of ticket creation event.
The value can be used to distinguish if the ticket submitted the ticket self-service (form, email) or if the main solver wrote the ticket (phone, face-to-face meeting, ...).
Requester Name and surname of the user who submitted the ticket.
The ticket stores the ticket's contact information valid at the time the ticket was created. Additional changes to the contact details in the Administration - Users section will not be reflected in existing tickets.
Requester (email) Email of the requester Yes
Requester (email 2) Second requester's email Yes
Requester (position) Function held by the requester Yes
Requester (other contact) Other contact for the requester, if any Yes
Requester (office) Designation of the office of the requester Yes
Requester (mobile) Requester's mobile phone number Yes
Requester (department) Department where the requester works Yes
Requester (organization) Organization of the requester. Automatically entered current value of the user, when the ticket is created. This value is permanent. Yes
Requester (work phone) Work phone of the ticket requester Yes
Requester (work phone 2) Second work phone of the requester Yes
custom fields Additional columns representing custom fields of the ticket, person, SLA, service, or organization. No


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