Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.2ALVAO Asset ManagementSystem Implementation in an OrganizationHardware and Software Detection Skip Navigation Links. Skip Navigation Links Skip Navigation Links.

Hardware and Software Detection

Before hardware and software detection in computers connected to a network can be run for the first time, the administrator has to issue software and hardware detection requests for the selected computers in the console. These requests are then stored in the database. The AM Collector service will handle those requests and save the detection results in the database where they can be viewed from within the Console.

Detection methods

The hardware and software detection in computers connected to a network can be run automatically and remotely, without the need to install Agents on the individual machines, or Agents can be installed, see detection methods. The "no Agent" method requires that the system administrator (or another user with a relevant permission) is granted remote access to the following services in the machines to be scanned:

  1. WMI
  2. remote registry
  3. administration access to hard drives (\\computer_name\C$)

In standard Windows network domain environments, it should be enough to go to Group Policy of Windows Firewall and to enable the "RemoteAdmin" service.
If detection without Agents is not possible, we recommend installing Agents on all machines using Group Policy (see e.g. here for more instructions)

Detection Settings

Each computer can use a different detection method. Which detection method is used for which computer is determined by the detection profile that is assigned to the computer. By default, all computers use the Default detection profile. You can change the settings of this profile, or you can create your own detection profiles and assign them to computers, for example, in the objects tree on a computer-type object by using the Detection settings command from the context menu.

If, for any reason, you do not wish to run detection for a particular computer (e.g. the computer may run on Linux, Novel or Apple), go to the Detection method window and uncheck both hardware and software detection. These detection settings mean that no detection requests will be created for that particular computer when mass detection requests are created.
The detection profile will be used to create detection requests. Any later changes to the profile will not affect the requests created earlier.
You can define individual detection settings for individual machines. These settings will be used instead of the detection profile. This option will be removed in future versions of ALVAO and we do not recommend using it anymore.

Create Detection Requests

Use the following procedure to create detection requests for multiple machines:

  1. Go to the Objects tree and select an organizational part where you want to detect software.
  2. In the main window top right corner, select the Objects tab and a view with computers.
  3. Select computers that you want to detect. (Press Ctrl+A to select the entire list.) Then right-click and select the Detect command from the context menu.
  4. The New detection – Basic window opens where you can specify the detection range and the detection method. In most cases, you can leave the option Apply saved settings enabled and continue by clicking on OK.
  5. You can follow the processing of created requests in the main window on the Detection tab in the Status column. The tab shows all requests related to all computers in the organizational unit currently selected in the tree.
The Detect command can be also used in the Objects tree on a specific computer.

Creating Request for Immediate HW and SW Detection

If you want to perform immediate HW or SW detection, use the following procedure:

  1. Select a computer in the AM Console Objects tree.
  2. Select the Detect command from the context menu.
  3. The New detection window will appear, where enable the Detect and evaluate immediately option.
    Note: The option is enabled automatically when selecting one computer.
  4. Finish the detection settings and select OK.
  5. On the Detection tab, a new request for detection will be created now and the Collector will attempt to execute and evaluate it as quickly as possible. If the computer had an open request (e.g. automatically scheduled one), this request will be replaced with the newly created one.
You can also select the whole organizational unit and multiple computers at the same time on the Objects tab.
Immediate detections can be guaranteed only for Without agent, Agent over TCP/IP and Automatically detection methods. If you need immediate detection using the Autonomous agent and Agent over shared folder methods, you have to shorten the interval of queries sent to WebService from the Agent.
Requirements entered in this way are executed from the oldest. When the computer is off, detection is delayed according to the settings under WA – Management – Asset Management – Servers – Edit – setting in the Detection block.

Creating a Request for Immediate Detection Evaluation

If you want to evaluate the detection immediately, use the following procedure:

  1. Select the specific computer or organizational unit in the tree and go to the Detection tab.
  2. Select the required detections and then select Evaluate immediately from the context menu.
  3. Detection status will change to "Waiting for the detection evaluation".
  4. The Collector will now attempt to resolve the request as quickly as possible, even outside schedule for detection evaluations.

Viewing Requests for Immediate Detections

  1. In the AM Console, go to the Objects Tree and select the required organization.
  2. Go to the Detection tab.
  3. View the Immediately column determining whether the request should be processed immediately (the Detect and evaluate immediately option when created manually).
  4. If you order the requests list by the Immediately column, you may easily find all requests for immediate detections.

Automatic detection planning

We recommend detecting the computers regularly using the automatic detection planning. Determine the period (number of days) after which a new detection and evaluation should be executed, according to the required recency of the information. As soon as the system finds a detection older than the number of days you determined, it creates a request for new detection. The default period is set in WebApp – Management – Asset Management – Detection profiles – EditPeriod of automatic detection planning.

We recommend that you void older detection as soon as the new detection is created and evaluated. You can set that under WebAppManagementAsset ManagementSettingsDetection by enabling the Keep only one valid detection per machine option.
In the server settings you can determine when the detections and their evaluation will be performed: Alvao WebAppManagementAsset ManagementServersEdit Planning block.

Hardware Detection

Entering a new computer in the Registry will only create the pair of objects Computer Set – Computer. Once the hardware detection has been completed, both the set and the computer will include other objects representing other set components, in other words the computer components.

If you detect the computer hardware later again using the default detection settings, the current computer components will be removed and replaced with the newly detected ones. Such objects that are updated automatically based on the hardware detection are highlighted with a yellow triangle in the list. Computer set components will not be updated. If you connect e.g. a printer to the computer, this will only create new objects in the list.

You can define for each object in a computer set whether or not you wish to update this object automatically. Double-click the object in the Objects Tree. The Object – Basic window will open where you can enable or disable the Update automatically based on detection option.

The image shows a standard setup based on the settings of object templates. All components in the computer will be updated automatically. Computer set components will not be changed.

Any objects that are not updated automatically must be updated manually. If you right-click on a computer in the tree and select Hardware – Details from the context menu, the Detail – Hardware detection window will open containing a detailed overview of the last hardware detection which can be used as a hint.

Since the objects are updated by removing existing and creating new objects, do not use any notes or create any Links to documents etc. for objects that are updated automatically. If you do so, you will use this information next time the hardware detection is started. If you wish to keep a component, e.g. a hard drive, as a standalone asset including any notes and documents, make sure to disable the Auto update feature for this object first.
If the computer includes two or more hard drives and you disable the Auto update feature for any of them, the remaining hard drives will not be updated either. The reason for this behavior is the fact that the system cannot assign detected drives to the drives in the records. Thus, the system does not recognize which drives should be updated and which should not.
The objects in the tree will be updated automatically based on the hardware detection, only if the Update objects in the tree option in the detection profile is enabled.
If the key components of a computer have a serial number that contains duplicate or nonsensical values (e.g. multiple motherboards with the S/N: 000000), you can add these values to the HW Blacklist.
The values of the following properties are automatically updated according to hardware detection if they are contained in a computer-type object:
  • Total hard disk capacity (GB)
  • Case kind
  • Graphic card
  • Host computer
  • IP addresses
  • MAC addresses
  • Model
  • Last logged-on user (username)
  • Operating system
  • Number of CPU logic cores
  • Number of hard drives
  • Number of processors
  • Description
  • CPU
  • BIOS serial number
  • Domain Component
  • RAM size (GB)
  • Manufacturer

Software Detection

If the Update installation registry option is enabled in the detection profile, the detection result will be evaluated automatically once the detection has been finished according to the software products library and records about newly installed or uninstalled products are automatically saved in the Installation Registry so that the registered status corresponds to the detected status. The records are created with the detection processing date.

If you disable the Update installation registry option, you will be able perform the Installation registry updates manually: go to the Detection tab of the main window and select Software – Compare to installation status from the right-click context menu. The Installation registry vs. Software detection window opens and contains all records that need to be created in the Installation Registry. Select the individual items as necessary and have them created by the system.

For correct software detection evaluation it is therefore advisable to load the updated software products library before entering a new detection request. You can do this in Software – Software products library – Load updated library command. If you execute this command after the software detection has been finished, the last detections will be re-evaluated for computers based on the updated library and the Installation registry will be updated too, if necessary.

If the system does not detect some applications and unrecognized records are displayed on the Software tab, select the unrecognized records and select Send SW for identification... from the context menu. A wizard will open where you can provide additional information regarding the unrecognized records. Once the wizard is completed, a new request will be created which will be sent by the Collector to our technicians. They will add the unrecognized products to the standard library. Once the new library has been downloaded, the respective records will be recognized.
To view details about the last computer detection (Software detection details), right-click the computer in the tree and select Software – Details from the context menu.


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