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Important Warnings
ALVAO 10.2
This section contains the notifications of changes in the new product version that may cause certain problems in case of upgrades from legacy versions and/or running the new version. Please read this information carefully before upgrading to the new version. We also recommend reading the list of known issues in the released versions, see Known problems.
Common for all ALVAO products
- Admin – Most of the ALVAO management has been moved to ALVAO WebApp – Management. (T85593ALVAO)
- Before upgrading, make sure that you have ALVAO WebApp installed and that the settings of WebApp (URL) in Admin are correct.
- Only the following features remain in the console application:
- Upgrade and creation of a new database
- Loading users from LDAP
- Loading pictures from files
- Loading pictures from SharePoint
- AM – Monitoring – Computers.
- To be able to manage your custom items and run operations in the Database maintenance section under ALVAO WebApp – Management, set the db_ddladmin database role to the account under which the application pool for ALVAO is running.
- ALVAO WebApp – The .NET version was upgraded to 4.7.2. Make sure that you have ASP .NET v4.7.2 or later installed before you perform the upgrade. You will also need to install a new version of Web.config. This means that prior to upgrading, you will have to move your current version of the file from the installation folder to another folder and then you only transfer the custom settings after the upgrade is completed. (T68458ALVAO)
- Admin – Users – Import users – the method of adding new users to the "All" group has changed. If you are using customized or custom user import utilities, contact technical support to have the functionality checked for the new version. (T77623ALVAO)
- Admin – Groups – if you have manual descriptions in groups imported from the Active Directory in ALVAO, these descriptions will be overwritten during import from the AD with group descriptions from the AD. (T80287ALVAO)
- English has been supported as the ALVAO system language (i.e. database language) only since FIX1 (released 2. 5. 2019).
ALVAO Asset Management
- Database – database views Query.Computer, Query.Node, Query.NodeDiary and Query.User will be removed in the next version of ALVAO. Instead, we recommend using the new views in the Query scheme, e.g. Query.ObjectCsy, Query.ObjectLogCsy etc., or e.g. Query.ObjectEnu for the English version. (T80278ALVAO)
- AM Collector – for security reasons, the ability to specify a list of accounts and passwords for remote access to computers in the network was removed for Detection without Agent. If AM Collector is running under an account that does not have permissions to detect some computers without the Agent (e.g. these computers are not in the domain), we recommend detecting these computers by the Autonomous Agent. If you used account files in previous versions, we recommend deleting them from your disk for security reasons. (T84114ALVAO)
- Reporting – Report templates for Power BI added (T79957ALVAO)
ALVAO Service Desk
- WA – Management – Service – when upgrading, the pictures of services are loaded from WebApp and stored in a database. If pictures are stored on WebApp in another place than the Content folder and its sub-folders, enable anonymous access to that folder by adding the appropriate section to the Web.Config file, see the default authentication settings for the Content folder. If you switch the database to RESTRICTED_USER mode when upgrading the system, give the WA process the db_owner permission in the database so that the WA remains accessible during the database upgrade. Remove this permission again after the upgrade. (T65094ALVAO)
- SD Console – Request – Edit – option disabled create a new user. (T62282ALVAO)
- SD – Request – Have approved command – the command is not available if the following status in the process only allows automatic approval to be started. In this case, we recommend starting approval automatically with the new Go to status command. (T42538ALVAO)
- SD – Request – Have approved form – if the auto-started approval has expired or was canceled, when it is re-started by the Have approved command, it is not possible to change the approval scheme (the auto-started scheme on the status of the process is used). (T42538ALVAO)
- SD – Device field – the DeviceName column was added to the ftDeviceSearch function return table If you're using a custom device selection feature (ftDeviceSearch_Custom2), adjust the function so that the return table matches the standard ftDeviceSearch function. (T82792ALVAO)
- WA – Management – Service Desk – Processes – Request Items – the option in the SD Console – Edit – Display item on the General tab has been renamed to At the New Request Form (for operators) place the item into the Other Items section. (T57619ALVAO)
- SD DB – Analytical view Query.Request – Term (UTC) column is renamed to Resolution Date (UTC). (T81952ALVAO)
- Custom Edits and Extensions – any existing custom forms and extensions must be adapted to the new version.
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