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Ticket approval

The ticket may be subject to approval by the responsible persons, i.e., the approvers. Depending on the current status of the ticket different approvers may approve the ticket. The specific approval method is determined by the processes settings defined by the system administrator.

Starting approval

Approval can be started depending on the system settings:

  • Automatically - when a ticket is created or when the ticket transitions to certain other ticket statuses, the ticket is automatically assigned to specific approvers.
  • Manually

If you are the ticket solver (or another member of the service resolution team) and the ticket is in a manually triggered approval status, you can initiate approval with the Begin Approval command, in which you select an approver and add a comment with additional information, instructions, etc.

Approve or reject

If you are the approver of the ticket you will receive an email notification once approval has started. In the notification you will find the necessary instructions and a link to the approve or reject form.

In your absence, your substitute can approve for you.

When approving by email, where the Approve and Deny buttons in the approval initiation notification open a new message for sending, never change the completed recipient or subject line in the sent message. Otherwise the message will not be processed automatically.

Evaluation of the approval

If you are a ticket solver (or other member of the service resolution team), you can monitor and manage the progress of the approval process on the Approval tab.

When the approval is complete, use the Go to status command to switch the ticket to the next status according to the approval result, e.g. to the Implementation status if the ticket is approved, to the Denied status if the ticket is rejected.

The system can also be configured so that when the approval is complete, the ticket moves to the next status automatically according to the approval result.

Expiration and cancellation

For approval, a time period can be set within which the approver must either approve or reject the ticket. After this time period, the approval expires. The approver will then receive an expiration notification.

The solver (or any other member of the service team) can also cancel a pending approval on the Approval tab with the Cancel Approval command. The approver will then receive a notification that the approval has been cancelled.


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