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The log includes all the records that are associated with the object selected in the tree.
If the Including subtree view is enabled, it also includes entries from all of its sub-objects.
Types of records in the log:
  • History – automatically generated records on object transfers within the tree (i.e. on computer and accessories transfers among users and on the relocation of users within organization structure).
  • Notes – user notes e.g. on computer failures, repairs etc.
  • Detection – records on the detections of computer data.
    • Alert – record on inconsistencies between detection and registry, which could not been updated automatically.
    • Error – an error during the detection.
  • Installation Registry – records on detected software installations or uninstallations.
  • Documentsdocuments associated with computers or other asset items, e.g. invoices, packing slips, handover protocols etc. Also the records on voided documents are displayed.
  • Information – records on properties value changes and on registry update according to the detection.
  • License registry – records on assigning or removing license to or from the selected object.
  • Notification of missing license – records on sent SAM notifications.
  • Asset stocktaking – eventual records on actions performed during the asset stocktaking.
  • Rental – records on rentals and returns of media.
  • Reuest – record on a request related with the given object in the ALVAO Service Desk (if you are using it).

Options in the Log tab context menu:

  • Add
    • Note – write a new note into the object log of an object selected in the tree.
    • New document – create a new document and add a link to it into the log.
    • Link to document – add a link to the existing document into the object log.
  • Open attachment – open an attachment of a record selected in the log.
  • Find in tree
    • Object – highlight an object in the object tree which log the record is written in (provided in the Object column).
    • Corresponding object – highlight an object in the object tree which the record is related to (for example the added monitor mentioned in the Message column).
  • View in Service Desk – view the selected Request type record in the Service Desk Console program.
    The option is available only if you are using the ALVAO Service Desk and the Record type request is selected.
  • Table – the menu allows to customize the table. For example to create filters, views or display multiple rows.
  • Find – search a text in the displayed table.
  • Delete – delete the selected record.
  • Edit – edit the selected record (opens a window according to the type of record): Document, Installation registry, or Note.
  • Warning:
    You can Edit or Delete only some of the records in the log and these operations can be performed only by users with the Administrator or Asset manager role.
    The SW licenses manager who can edit documents and records in the Installation registry and the Accountant who can edit documents (Invoices) are an exception.
    No records can be deleted absolutely as the deleted records are displayed using the TableDisplay deleted items context menu.


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