Skip Navigation LinksALVAO 10.4Známé problémy Skip Navigation Links.

Známé problémy

Na této stránce jsou uvedeny známé problémy s produktem ve vybrané verzi a návody k jejich řešení. Úplný seznam problémů, které již byly opraveny, najdete na stránce Release notes - Vydané aktualizace.

Kritické problémy

Nejsou známy žádné problémy.

Definice kritického problému: Problém znemožňující používání produktu, tj.: a) "zhroucení" celého systému nebo jeho důležité části během normálního používání; b) ztrátu nebo porušení dat během normálního používání.

Střední problémy

ProblémOprava naplánována do verze
MR - EWS - Loading messages using OAuth ends with error 'The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.' (T132409ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Nefunkční upozornění na termín první reakce - Chyba "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression." (T118425ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
ALVAO SD - Timeout při při různých akcích (T119587ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD MR - Nevyčtené zprávy do požadavků (T119977ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Nový požadavek - Po odeslání formuláře se zobrazí chyba 500 "K zavřenému proudu nelze přistupovat."/"Cannot access a closed Stream." (T120545ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Pokud je připojena přes AM Web Service, mohou se zobrazovat chyby "Async data retrival was canceled" (T121119ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Objekt - Vlastnosti - Nelze upravit vlastnost, která akceptuje pouze výběr ze seznamu položek (T123399ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Tabulky - Analyzovat v tabulce MS Excel - export větších tabulek trvá dlouho (T124115ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - List of objects/Found objects - deleting an object can cause crash of the application (T124690ALVAO)   11.0/FIX1 (release 2022-05-05)
SD WA - Request - Transit to status/Send Message - Filling out required Internal target doesn't work (T125578ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
SD WA - Administration - Processes - Edit state - Required items - Internal target is not available (T125580ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
AM Agent - SW detection - ends with error: Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified (T125931ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
ALVAO - ServerSetup/DatabaseDeploy - error "Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state." occurs when upgrading the database on SQL Server 2012 (T126103ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
SD - New request from e-mail message - When e-mail has a lot of recipients, request is not created (T126355ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
SD WA - Loading of Knowledge base takes a long time (T126588ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
SD WA - Request - Transit to status - Error 'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'value' to data type int.' when starting approval (T126658ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
AM Console - Licence registry - licence "per core" - the number of licenses is not checked against the number of allocated cores but against the number of allocated items (T126379ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
AM Console - Overview of licences and instalations - Licences assigned without reason - column may show wrong values (T126719ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
AM Console - a bulk change of the object type to a non-template type causes the removal of all properties without warning (T127073ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
AM Console/WA - Print - when bulk printing a generic print template (e.g. Asset Card), error 500 "there are multiple root elements" is displayed (T127376ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
SD - Request - Status - cannot change to the target status that has required fields defined in process (T128367ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD – Request – Assign – Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim (T126806ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD – Request – Reopen – Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim (T126485ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD – Request – Begin approval – Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim (T126375ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD – Request – Resolve – Transaction (Process ID) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim (T126374ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
AM Console - Child objects - Edit - Edit object kind - Application crashes after applying the form (T140332ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX11 (release 2023-04-06)
Alvao - Database upgrade - custom table triggers are dropped during the upgrade process (T132185ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX6 (release 2022-11-03)
SD - Request - Return to the main solver - Error 500 (String or binary data would be truncated in table 'Alvao.dbo.tAct', column 'sActTo'...) (T134217ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX8 (release 2023-01-05)
WA - New request from custom form - intext images are not visible in the notification of the request creation (T136405ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX9 (release 2023-02-02)
SD - SLA Alerts - When missing, the default SLA Alerts are created by every database upgrade (T134614ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
Database upgrade takes a long time (T103405ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request - Running approval process has no approvers (T138794ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request Tables - Views - the displayed custom columns of users, organizations, services, and SLAs can disappear from the view (T106198ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Tables with objects - columns with properties of type "date" can also display the time (T139435ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
ALVAO for Outlook - compatibility with New (insider preview) Outlook (T148696ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - User - Settings - Out of office - My substitute - The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property (T140714ALVAO)   11.1/FIX1 (release 2023-05-04)
AM - Detection - the computer is not detected, the detection status is still "no response to date" (T140743ALVAO)   11.1/FIX1 (release 2023-05-04)
SD - Alvao Audit Log - Log does not contain information about group or user when changing service permissions or SLA (T142571ALVAO)   11.1/FIX1 (release 2023-05-04)
AM Console - Software - License - Cover by license... - the dialog for selecting a computer/user does not respect the objects security (T142114ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
AM - ImportUtil / WA - Load CSV - when keyfield NodeId is used could ends with error "input string was not in a correct format" (T142244ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
Alvao - ImportAD - sometimes import from domain via SSL port (636) does not work (T142261ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
AM - ImportLic - does not import the licence (T142779ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
AM - Detections - a computer in a different time zone may be detected several hours after the request is made (T144876ALVAO)   11.1/FIX3 (release 2023-07-06)
AM WS - IIS app pool worker uses 100% CPU and RAM usage is increasing (T146293ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 (release 2023-09-14)
AM WA - Tables - Czech names of some views (T147702ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
Custom Apps: App that cannot be compiled has performance impact (T147352ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
AM - Detection - SW detection detail - some files on the hard disk are not displayed (T147337ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
SD - Non-deliverable email - Ticket solver no longer has valid e-mail address - Infinite loop of emails from mail server (T151628ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX8 (release 2024-01-04)
OA - Recent communication with sender - Error 500 - Deadlock or Timeout expired (T152036ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX8 (release 2024-01-04)
AM Console - License registry - Edit - License items - Add/Edit - an error "Query timeout expired" is shown (T153507ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX9 (release 2024-02-01)
AM Console - Unspecified error - Stream object cannot be read because it is empty, or the current position is at the end of the stream... (T152026ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD WA - New request - Error 500 - Deadlock or Timeout expired (T152032ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
WA - My assets - Assets tab - Date colums show text "Specified cast is not valid" (T152328ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD WA - Ticket - Communication - Requester and ticket participants don't see messages addressed to the participants (T152640ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD - Request - New event in request log - Reopen - E-mail message created before request resolving will erroneously reopen this request (T142931ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM Console - Tree/Child objects - bulk edit property value is slow (T153621ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM Console - Tree/Child objects - bulk change of object type is slow (T153623ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD - Ticket - Resolve - Error 500 - Timeout (T154171ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM Agent - SW detection - does not search files in paths that are more than 260 characters long (T156041ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
ALVAO for Outlook (Desktop add-in) - New ticket - Error 500 - String cannot be of zero length (T155950ALVAO)   11.2/FIX1 (release 2024-05-16)
SD WA - Impact and Urgency - Edit values - Error 500 - Subquery returned more then 1 value (T156407ALVAO)   11.2/FIX1 (release 2024-05-16)
AM - Agent - computers with long hostnames are detected with short name (only 15 characters) (T156851ALVAO)   11.2/FIX1 (release 2024-05-16)
AM WA - Objects - Print - Handover protocol is not sent when there is a missing connection to SD user (T159730ALVAO)   11.2/FIX3 (release 2024-07-04)
AM - Object log - some records are displayed only to users with the Asset Management Administrators role (T159410ALVAO)   11.2/FIX3 (release 2024-07-04)
WA - Administration - AM - Property definitions - Edit properties - Change data type - Timeout (T157352ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 (release 2024-09-19)
AM Agent - if there is an error in communication with WS, sometimes it does not log the error details (T158671ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 (release 2024-09-19)
SD CA - Alvao API - Ticket.Create with IgnoreRights=true fails if the first ticket status is approval (T159749ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 (release 2024-09-19)
Log - Event: REST API - tickets/{ID}/log - POST - type E-mail - Does not generate email message (T162436ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 FIX5 (release 2024-10-03)
Administration - Periodic alerts - Periodic alert - Properties: Choice "The data table to be attached as a CSV file" enabled - Body contains characters that invalid for text (T165359ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 FIX5 (release 2024-10-03)
Tickets - Ticket - Begin approval: Requester approval - Missing images in ticket log (T164424ALVAO)   11.2/SP1 FIX7 (release 2024-12-05)
Objects: Cannot delete more than 2100 objects at once (T165662ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
Tickets - Ticket: Approval status (mostly ad-hoc mode) - Settings on this status has been changed - Ticket can't change status nor can be resolved (T166023ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
Tickets - Ticket - Approve - Reject: Notification to solvers is sent even if the approval is rejected and the status changes to Resolved (T166249ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
Administration - Service Desk - Operating hours, ...: Ticket time to resolve is zero (T169140ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
Alvao Service - New ticket from message - Recipients in To and Copy are empty - ALVAO has problems in processing these e-mails (T163456ALVAO)   -
ALVAO for Outlook (Desktop add-in) - Dynamic distribution list - E-mail with only this address in recipient fields can't be saved into the Service Desk (T149907ALVAO)   -

Definice středního problému: Problém omezující používání produktu, tj.: a) významné problémy při používání, které jsou překonatelné postupem pro náhradní řešení problému; b) část produktu se významně odchyluje od specifikace uvedené v dokumentaci.

Drobné problémy

ProblémOprava naplánována do verze
WA - Uživatel - Můj svěřený majetek - detail majetku se nezobrazí, pokud se přihlásí uživatel pouze ze stromu (T124452ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Správa - Procesy - Postup řešení - Zobrazit diagram - nezobrazí se pokud je v nějaké stavu ' (T124447ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Objekty - Vlastnosti - Nelze načíst: 'Znak <, šestnáctková hodnota 0x3C, je neplatný znak atributu.' (T124124ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
ALVAO - Upgrade na verzi 10.4 - Chyba 'Subquery returned more than 1 value.' (T123887ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Požadavek vytvořený z naplánované šablony - Nežádoucí oznámení operátorům o předání požadavku (T123268ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Šablona objektu - Úprava vlastnosti - při změně pořadí v názvu vlastnosti se může stát, že objekty stejného druhu mohou mít po změně stejné pořadí v názvu objektu u více vlastností (T123235ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
ImportAD - parametr /log připisuje záznamy do existujícího souboru (T122985ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Vlastnosti - mimo šablonu objektu nelze zkopírovat a vložit hodnotu vlastnosti (T122778ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
WA – Požadavek – Upravit – na vytvořeném požadavku je možné změnit žadatele na uživatele, který v dané službě nemá SLA (T122771ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - schvalování zástupcem - v deníku požadavku je uvedeno, že požadavek schválil původní schvalovatel (T122557ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Požadavek - Nesprávné počítání termínu, pokud čekání na žadatele pozastavuje SLA (T122320ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Agent neloguje do definovaného log souboru bez přepínače /v, ani s přepínačem /v 0 a /v 1 (T122296ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
WA - Požadavek - záložka Schvalování - může zobrazovat špatná data (T122282ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Objekty - Vlastnosti - Úprava vlastnosti nerespektuje zabezpečení objektů (T122191ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - použití spUpdatePropertyValue na datumovou vlastnost - nastavení NULL a záložka Objekty zobrazuje datum 1.1.1900 (T121554ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
WA - Tabulky - Hodnoty vlastních položek s číselníkem nemusí jít filtrovat (T121419ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
WA - Tabulky - Přeložené hodnoty vlastních položek se nemusí zobrazit (T121410ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
Správa - Service Desk - Nastavení - Obecné - Výchozí způsob podání požadavku za jiného uživatele - při výběru "prázdná hodnota" je nastaveno "Ostatní" (T121160ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - Svěřený majetek - malé ikony se neroztáhnou (T120832ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Agent - pokud je spuštěn z příkazové řádky s parametrem /s (silent), při chybě uložení CXM souboru zobrazuje chybu v okně (T120771ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Export služeb - neexportuje se hodnota "Extra1" ze seznamu hodnot u vlastní položky (T120759ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - ImportUtil/ImportAD - pokud je nastavena číselná řada pro generování hodnot vlastnosti, která se nastavuje z CSV/AD, číslo z řady se vyplýtvá a pak přepíše jinou hodnotou (T120507ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Deník - hromadný přesun objektu - záznamy o přesunu mohou obsahovat špatnou cestu (chybějící lomítko) (T120505ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - Configuration Management - Odstraněná vazba je součástí výpočtu nepřímých vazeb (T120472ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
ALVAO - Upgrade databáze - po upgradu může dojít ke změně nastavení databáze (T120276ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Načíst CSV - Do počtu aktualizovaných objektů se nepočítají počítače, u nichž byl pouze aktualizován Softwarový profil (T120272ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Našeptávací pole požadováno pro/spolužadatel zobrazují uživatele z odstraněné organizace (T120147ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
OA - Přestane fungovat po stáhnutí přílohy (T119932ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - některé operace můžou skončit chybou 500 - The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_tDocument_liDocumentActId (T119882ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
ALVAO - WA - Správa - Údržba databáze - Opravit databázi - SQL server může vyčerpat místo v TEMPDB (T119839ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Požadavek - Deník - někteří uživatelé nemusí vidět intextové obrázky (T119783ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Skupiny - Přidat oprávnění - zobrazují se i zástupci (T119702ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
Standard HW/SW Request Form - Jiný HW - Chyba: The given key was not present in the dictionary (T119536ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Oznámení o doručení zprávy do požadavku - Pokud byla zpráva načtena přes OA (příkaz Uložit do deníku požadavku), chybí intextové obrázky (T119021ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Hromadná úprava požadavků - pokud má dojít ke změně stavu, změní se jen u požadavků, které mají stejný proces jako první vybraný požadavek (T118939ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Evidence licencí - Upravit - v záložkách nefunguje dvojklik, případně F2, pro úpravu (T118863ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Můj svěřený majetek - může zobrazovat majetek uživatele z jiné domény (T118605ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Požadavek - Termín - položka Termín se chybně předvyplňuje (T118589ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Objekty - při pokusu o editaci vlastnosti se zobrazí chybová hláška "Unauthorized object modifiaction" (T118553ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Tisk - Předávací protokol vnitřní rozdílový - zobrazí se chyba, že nemůže najít HTM soubor (T118521ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM WA - Správa - Detekční profily - Pokud neexistuje výchozí profil, nelze vytvořit nový (T118179ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - Detekce - Načíst ze souboru - při načtení SW detekce se zobrazí chyba "0x80004003 Neplatný ukazatel/Invalid pointer" (T118172ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Organizace - při odstranění organizace se může zobrazit chyba Unknown transaction (T118019ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
WA - Šablony požadavků - Naplánovat - Je možné vyplnit nevalidní dvojici Žadatel - SLA (T118017ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Odkazy na hlavní stránce - Přejmenování služby/odkazu v administraci se na hlavní stránce neprojeví (T117931ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Tiket - Nový - parametr "phoneNumber" v url přepíše hodnotu "Telefon do zaměstnání" na formuláři (T117723ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Formulář pro podání nového požadavku - u vlastní položky s dlouhým názvem dochází k překryvu v zakládací zprávě (T117016ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - aktualizace SW knihovny - zobrazí se chyba "Violation of UNIQUE KEY contraint UQ_LicProductCoverage_LicHistId_ProductId" (T116698ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM - Položky upgradované licence nejsou automaticky odstraněny (T114467ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD WA - Požadavky - některé požadavky se v tabulkách zobrazují duplicitně (T113411ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Objekty - Odstranit - při větším množství vybraných objektů je příkaz pomalý (T112573ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD – Dlaždice – Pokud je cesta ke službě delší než 20 znaků, v prohlížeči IE se nezobrazuje celý název služby (T111611ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD – Založení požadavku načtením emailu – Výběr služby s URL vlastního formuláře – Může dojít k zacyklení (T106952ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Automatické oznámení žadateli nemusí splnit první reakci (T125760ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
SD - Požadavek - Schvalování - nelze zahájit adhoc schvalování ze stavu předcházejícímu schvalování (T126331ALVAO)   11.0 (release 2022-04-14)
AM Console - Window brings to front, when tooltip under mouse cursor is shown (T124952ALVAO)   11.0/FIX1 (release 2022-05-05)
AM Console - The "List of objects", "Found Objects", and "License Registry" windows share the same storage of window size and position settings (T124977ALVAO)   11.0/FIX1 (release 2022-05-05)
SD - New request - default templete does not load (T124935ALVAO)   11.0/FIX1 (release 2022-05-05)
SD WS - Notification - The notification about the blocking request has been resolved incorrectly states that it was a blocked request (T124847ALVAO)   11.0/FIX1 (release 2022-05-05)
Inventory audits - Web-based asset check - Computers display a different object name (T125295ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
AM Console - Tables - "Filter Excluding Selection" command may not work for empty values properly (T125435ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
WA – Requests – Bulk move to another service – Service field – Value cannot be null or empty. Param name: contentPath (T125464ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
AM Console - License registry - if a large number of license items are upgraded, the application stops responding (T126015ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
DB - Upgrade to A11.0 - Error: Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tLocalization'. (T126332ALVAO)   11.0/FIX2 (release 2022-06-02)
WA – Administration – SD – Services – Settings manager can't see command for New service creation (T126987ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
SD - Request - Status - In some cases it may not be possible to change (T127169ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
AM - Objects - Print - Print preview shows empty page (T128017ALVAO)   11.0/FIX3 (release 2022-07-07)
WA – Request – Send message – Users with only the Follower role on the request can't send messages (T128779ALVAO)   11.0/FIX4 (release 2022-08-04)
SD – Requests grid – view can't be saved after some changies were made if one of these tabs were displayed: Links, Approving, Objects (T128099ALVAO)   11.0/FIX4 (release 2022-08-04)
ALVAO - ImportAD - creates a duplicate user even if a manually created user exists in the database with the same login name as the user in AD (T127990ALVAO)   11.0/FIX4 (release 2022-08-04)
SD - Query - Request2Csy/Deu/Enu - shows request for all requester roles (T128875ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
AM - ImportAD - Objects - Properties - imported empty "date" value is displayed as "01. 01. 1900" (T128364ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD - Communication tab - Multiple attachments not showing correctly in starting act (T125034ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
SD - Custom form - ColumnsControl - multiline string items - check of maximum input length works badly (T125077ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
Alvao ServerSetup - New server installation - Web applications - Wrong authentication settings (T127738ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
AM - Import CSV - The numeric sequence for computer set is ignored when importing computer (T127497ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
Autonomous Agent - if there is a duplicate computer in the evidence, no one will know about it (T125427ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
AM Console – Object – Child objects – Date fields showing time part (T127346ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
WA – Administration – SD – Services – Table view – Display column View in the Service Catalogue – Cannot implicitly convert type int to bool (T127332ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
WA – Administration – SD – Opening hours and Intervals – Error 500 timeout / First response reaction time is computed incorrectly (T127167ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 (release 2022-09-15)
AM - Asset Check - Import XLSX - Creates a new object instead of updating data (T139800ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX11 (release 2023-04-06)
WA - Administration - Users - Membership in groups - Add group - suggestion box returns error when typing (T129704ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX5 (release 2022-10-06)
AM Console - Detection tab - displays detections from computers that the user does not have the right to read (T132713ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX7 (release 2022-12-01)
ALVAO - Unsuccessful request reopening by e-mail from the requester - Notification goes multiple times (T133744ALVAO)   11.0/SP1 FIX8 (release 2023-01-05)
WA - New linked request - Copy values - Objects from the source request are not copied (T135963ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Current news - the order of news is different on the Current news page and the Main page (T135863ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
Request - Approval - Custom message template for approvers - no replacement of the OriginalMessageAttachmentList mark (T135737ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM WA - Objects - Import CSV - value with more than 255 characters - Error: String or binary data would be truncated (T135551ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM WA: Configuration management - Diagram of links - if there are two or more links between objects, only one may be drawn (T135081ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM WA - My assets - The user has no assets (T136001ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - shows error "InvalidExpiredRefreshToken" (T135008ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD Custom Apps - New request - OnTicketChanged is invoked (T136019ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Administration - Service - Notification settings - If choice Send a custom notification is selected and checkbox for that notification is turned of - system still sends custom notification that can have empty subject and message body (T136065ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Overview of licences and instalations - basic views of the top table do not show the Installations column (T136219ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request templates - Subquery returned more than 1 value (T136385ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Administration - SLA - Changing SLA will not recompute request deadline (T136432ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
ALVAO WA: Service/Object tree - Large number of nodes on one level - Error 500 (Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON) can be shown (T134881ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Login via Azure Active Directory - unclear error InsufficientPermissionToLogIn is shown (T136569ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request - Approval event - the read/unread flag setting is not working (T138325ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM - Objects - Properties - offers values from object templates (T134855ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
500 error "Status of the request cannot be changed because the request is under approval" after the creation of a request with assign to the solver (T139022ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Custom notifications - variable [$TicketInfo$] - empty information in the e-mail body (T134799ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Knowledge base - editing a knowledge also changes the date of its creation (T134780ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM - Configuration Management - shows the assets in the recycle bin in the menus and also in the link diagram (T134580ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - New request from service catalogue - SLA on the form - Hint for SLA is not updated after SLA change (T134547ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM - Objects - Tree - New object - inconsistency in security between AM Console and WA (T134067ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Overview od licenses and instalations - licenses assigned to computers in " discarded assets" or in the "recycle bin" do not appear in the bottom table (T134049ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Software - License - Cover by license... / Special instalation... - "note" field doesn't accept ENTER (T134033ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM WA - My documents - A file with special characters in the name cannot be downloaded (T133006ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Tools - Lists - Definition of properties... - option "selection only" could be enabled even if "Use the list of another property" is disabled (T132925ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Views - Share - Can't be used with only the Asset Management license key (T132739ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Objects tree - New request - Only the highest parent is linked (T132689ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Requests - New request - Displays message "Leave site?" when clicking on the attachment link (T132668ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - Child objects / Found objects / List of objects - moving computers with computer sets ends with error "Violation of primary key constraint PK__ftComma..." (T132439ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - SK database - Requests - First response notification not sent (T132400ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Request - Requester that is also Subscriber can't use Unfollow request command (T132282ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Main page - Search - Knowledge order does not respect the Display order item (T132188ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM Console - in some cases, value in the tblNode.txtPath column is not computed after the object name changed (T132084ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
Database is not created with default server collation but with Czech_CI_AS (T131673ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Custom Notifications - Custom DateTime fields are displayed in default SQL format (mon dd yyyy hh:mi[AM|PM]) (T131475ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Request templates - Field service - Can't search by service key words (T131039ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
AM - ExportUtil - error (Incorect syntax near the keyword 'from'), when only system columns (with @) are defined (T130229ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Requests - Approving - When using Message for requester variable multiple times, only the first message is inserted (T129235ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Requests - Reply to requester - doesn't work with Host requester (T129215ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Request templates - SLA disappears from template and scheduled requests are not created if the SLA is removed from the service (T129196ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Requests - New request - Selecting a service may leads to expanding the Assign section (T129185ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request - Approving won't start when the request would be approved automatically by the requester (T129042ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - Request - Reopen by requester through an e-mail - Doesn't work when the requester is also member of solver team (T128503ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Requests - Detailed log - Wrong order of notification of created request (T126230ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Searching in Object tree sometimes doesn't work (T124082ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD - New request - Custom form - data field added via DateTimeField behaves unexpectedly (T124076ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Request - Communication - Links with target _blank does not open new tab or window (T125344ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
WA - Tables - Views - Duplication of views and other unwanted behavior may occur (T121220ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
SD WA - Requests displayed multiple times in table (T125084ALVAO)   11.1 (release 2023-04-13)
Periodic alerts - Alert returning no rows is evaluated every 15 minutes (T143350ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
AM - ImportAD - Objects - Properties - attribute values of Integer8 type (timestamp) are imported as "System.__ComObject" (T140545ALVAO)   11.1/FIX2 (release 2023-06-01)
SD - Send message/Note - Error 500 - The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'type' of non-nullable type (T145072ALVAO)   11.1/FIX3 (release 2023-07-06)
AM Console - if AAD authentication is used, MS Defender may block AzureLogin.module due to missing digital signature (T144248ALVAO)   11.1/FIX3 (release 2023-07-06)
WA - Tables - Error "The JSON request was too large to be deserialized" when trying to display all columns of the table (T148339ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 (release 2023-09-14)
AM - Detection - HW components are also found in a computer in the Discarded asset (T145120ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 (release 2023-09-14)
AM Console - Detection tab - Compare to Asset Registry... - Write changes to tree - the command does not work until automatic update is enabled (T144477ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 (release 2023-09-14)
Alvao Service - an error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblFile_FileImageId"" is displayed in the log (T146681ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
ImportAD - Parallel run - Error: There is already an object named '##tmp' in the database (T146714ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
AM - SCCM Detection - Detected version of operating system doesn't contain build number (T146919ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX5 (release 2023-10-05)
AM - Power BI report - Software usage - shows records with the date "1899-12-30" in the column "Last run" (T149554ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX7 (release 2023-12-07)
WA - User - Settings - Settings backup - Not visible with only AM license key (T150413ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX7 (release 2023-12-07)
SD - New request - Non-registered user - If the Name and Surname field is not filled, all values are lost (T151224ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX7 (release 2023-12-07)
WA - Approval - Custom notification - Bit value is represented as 0/1 and not as No/Yes (T152106ALVAO)   11.1/SP1 FIX9 (release 2024-02-01)
ServerSetup - Installation location - Missing IIS installation - Unknown error (0x80005000) (T46046ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD - Request - Reopen - Any Guest can reopen request created by other Guests (T142929ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM WA - Objects - Administrator can see hidden objects in the tree and in the search results (T145309ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM WA - Objects - Properties - Numerical properties can't be set to empty value (T150543ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM - EHF - Print - Sign method via web - Custom notification template - Not sending notifications when special characters are in the subject (T151235ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
AM WA - Objects - Import from CSV - error "Subquery returned more than 1 value" (T151520ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
DatabaseDeploy (ServerSetup) - create/upgrade database ends with an error "invalid object name vLastEvaluatedSwDetect" (T151634ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
SD - New request - Default value of Priority field is not set according to Impact and Urgency (T152594ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
WA - Chrome may incorrectly propose to translate web from different language (T152607ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
WA - Various pages - New - Entity detail is not shown if the entity doesn't fit into the number of displayed items in table/tree (T154311ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
WA - Ticket - Communication - Requester does not see approval results that he approved (T154712ALVAO)   11.2 (release 2024-04-11)
ImportAD - Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" (T157492ALVAO)   11.2/FIX1 (release 2024-05-16)
Software products library: library upgrade shows an error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#tmpP - The duplicate key value is (69034)" (T162207ALVAO)   11.2/FIX3 (release 2024-07-04)
User menu - My assets: Shows no or wrong asset for some users (T169858ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
AM Console - Query language: Displays discarded assets even if this is disabled in the settings (T168982ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
PBI reporting/DB maintenance - Error The identifier that starts with '...' is too long. Maximum length is 128. (T161537ALVAO)   11.3/RTM (release 2025-04-10)
SD WA - Communication - Some uploaded images are rotated differently than the originals (T91892ALVAO)   -
SD - Service - Loading messages - Messages are loaded over and over again (T153503ALVAO)   -
WA - Administration - Groups - Group cannot be removed (T151719ALVAO)   -
AM Console - Asset check - error "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint FK_tblLog_lintInventoryId...", when attempting to delete inventory (T151517ALVAO)   -
ALVAO for Outlook (Desktop add-in) - Save to request log/new request from e-mail - Missing recipients from Exchange (T147330ALVAO)   -
ALVAO for Outlook (Desktop add-in) - Content is rendered outside the taskbar (T115357ALVAO)   -
ALVAO for Outlook (Desktop add-in) - Delayed sending of emails - When reading the "Outbox" folder, OA reads the message and stops sending it (T111893ALVAO)   -
ALVAO - Documents - Detail - Objects - handover document is linked to another objects than in the asset table inside the document (T160757ALVAO)   -

Definice drobného problému: Problém, který neomezuje provoz, ale komplikuje postupy při práci s produktem, tj. např. neshoda ovládání či výstupů s chováním popsaným v dokumentaci.

Starší problémy s produkty

ALVAO 10.3
ALVAO 10.2
ALVAO 10.1
ALVAO 10.0


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